And here is 52 and 53! 194 chapters to go.
I’ve had some free time so I managed to get a bunch of these translated lately. Thanks as always to Joeabandonedmine who’s also typesetting them super fast as soon as I translate them. These two are both fun goofy and maybe heartwarming one-off chapters. BUT. We have now finally finished every chapter leading up to the Mummy Arc which finally starts next chapter!
At long last, after working on this series for uh… about 4 years we finally got to the story arc where a lot of the main cast first appears! Yay! Seriously, I’ve had to take a lot of breaks from this manga due to other projects and other life obligations but I’m hoping I can keep up momentum for a while because this next arc is a real treat. I goes on for a LONG time. It goes from the end of Wide-ban 3 all the way through Wide-ban 4 and finally ends about a third of the way into Wide-Ban 5. And it’s great. Tell your friends. Anyhow I’m gonna try to keep getting these done between 3-Gatsu and Jojolion and all that sorta thing.
Oh also Shimabukruo-sensei has a new series called Build King starting out in Jump next week. So go check that out, it’s sure to be something special as his series tend to be (I won’t be translating it since there are official translations of all of weekly Jump now and I probably don’t have time anyhow, but I’ll definitely keep up with it).
Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 52
Online Reader (MangaDex)
Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 53
Online Reader (MangaDex)