Ring Volume 1


All right. So, I can now finally present Ring volume 1. Man, this is another thing that was a really long time coming.
So lemme introduce this, this series is called Ring. Not the horror movie. It’s written by Shimabukuro Mitsutoshi, author of Toriko. It’s a short series, only 3 volumes long, written in 2004-2005 in Super Jump (a biweekly seinen magazine) after the end of Shimabukuro’s first series, Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi which ran in Shounen Jump. Takeshi was a really huge, long series that was one of the most popular series in Jump during its heyday. So I’d like to maybe work on that series at some point after this one is done, because working on a series like the kind Shimabukuro-sensei does is tons of work (and we don’t have tons of people) plus this one is shorter so we’re doing this one first. I scanned this volume back in 2012, but haven’t been able to make much of any progress until the last few months because I was always busy with tons of other stuff. We’re gonna really try to get through the other two volumes in not too too long. But it’s just me and high8sky working on this, so it’ll depend on both of our schedules and I tend to severely overwork myself anyhow.

Uh, basically what it’s about. It’s a sports manga about a sport that Shimabukuro-sensei made up. It’s really good. The comedy’s really great, and a lot of the style from Takeshi really shines through here. I think a lot of stuff that was in this manga ended up being the basis for a lot Shimabukuro-sensei used in Toriko, too. So give it a try, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

Ring Volume 1
Online Reader (Mangadex)

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Thanks for the volume



I’ve been also looking forward to this for years!

Thank you high8sky and Kewl!!!


Thanks a lot for the hard work. If you need cleaning, I might be of help, even though I haven’t done any in years.


Have you guys considered doing “A Tale of a Leader in The End of the Century Takeshi” i know that it was cancelled but i have seen pages of it and it was a crazy story.


Oh yes you did, i skipped it due to excitement, and talking about excitement, he actually finished it!? damn! those are great news!


hey guys great work on translating this one can’t wait for the next release. thks for the good work


Thank you, looks great.


Awesome, i really enjoy (and look FORWARD) to every tankoboun release from you guys!
I read almost every series just because of the high quality and amazing translations and even
started reading Toriko again from the first volume! But guys please PLEASE before you start
on scanlating any other major series PLEASE release toriko volumes 2-9 first, i (and i think a
lot more folks) have been waiting for this since the first release came out in 2012..hope for
a good 2015 year for more TORIKO. Thanks a million times for your hard work and dedication.


They are not available where i’m from (i know no excuse or whatsoever)
and it’s not like i’m too cheap to buy or import books, but i like all my stuff
digital nowadays if you know what i mean. Ever since i started living on my
own (basically renting a room) i don’t have a lot of space anymore for dvd’s,
books (including manga and anime, i bought A LOT) i sold most of it already
and now i’m basically gone digital with most stuff. Only in the future when
you can download manga with some kind of account i would consider VIZ.
(I still hate them for censuring so much stuff for ‘us’ non-japanese, like they
did with naruto and bleach, no way i’m falling for that one again)

But thanks for the reply anyway, now i know it won’t be happening anytime
soon. To me it’s just that the first 15 volumes or so were the very best imo,
before it started too become focusing too much on fighting, leveling up etc
kinda like the way when Hitman Reborn went after volume 10, Toriko was
about adventure and exploring, now it has been just fighting the past years.

If i could be of any help i would let you know (in any way, even just providing
for the raw’s or donating) maybe in the future after i experiment with Adobe
first and stuff, getting a new laptop so we’ll see. For now i’m always thankful!


Thank you for introducing Ring!


Thanks Kewl. Manga looking good.

[…] ← Previous […]


looking forward to check! thank you:)


Summer is a crossbreed in looks between Toriko, Kenshiro and Komatsu. lol

Thanks for the volume. A fun read


and Hanamichi Sakuragi!


Yeah, Ring is AWESOME!!!

No, Coco is a Summer rip-off, how could you miss this 😛

[…] check out Ring if you haven’t […]


thank you:)

[…] check out Ring if you haven’t […]

Red Fenix

Thank you!
I’m trying to translate Ring on my language, but i’m stuck at chapter 7.
What does “KEIH!” mean? I can’t find something like that. Can you explain?

Last edited 10 months ago by Red Fenix

I think that was just a generic sound.

Red Fenix

Thank you!