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Thanks for the chapter


Uhoh, indeed! Thank you for the chapter!


Thank you!I swear,I’ll probably cry reading the last chapter.

3 chapters dedicated to gorillas and bananas?! :D

Uhyo! (Thank you for the chapter! Surprised and happy to see even Princess Bubbles gets character development.)

(Translation: I’m not ready for the end to come!! Even though Gintama’ episode 8 told me “Nothing Lasts Forever, including Parents, Money, Youth, Your Room, Dress Shirts, Me, You, and the Gintama Anime”.)


Thank you.


A part of me want to assume that the ending is a troll attempt yet again. If the goal is to simply end the series with the disciples getting closure, then maybe I can see it being true.

But I don’t think with the amount t of chapters left then can end Kagura x Sadaharu unless that end of the story remains a tradegy, but still feel like they’d need to resolve if she keeps searching for a revival or if she stays on Earth.

Though they might to something cheesy like Sadaharu was alive inside Shoutout or something. If it happens in such a way my love for Fontana will have me be totally alright with the decision.

Jack Napier

Thanks for the chapter 😀