Section Chief Shima Kōsaku Volume 4

Section Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 4

Ooooookay, and here is Shima volume 4! I think it’s been around a month since the last volume. So it’s all going at a pretty good pace I’d say!

Check out my summary here of what this series is about if you haven’t seen it yet.

Uh, so a lot goes on in this volume. It’s kind of hard to think of much to say in these posts because it’s like an entire couple of story arcs. Seriously a lot happens, I keep translating these chapters and thinking “How is all this just one chapter?” The series has multiple plot threads going at any given time and it jumps between them. This volume has a lot of conclusions to some of the ones started in the first 3, but it also starts a bunch more. And in the grand scheme of the Section Chief arc there’s still a ton that hasn’t even gotten started. But I hope you all like this one! I dunno what pace we’re gonna end up getting these out yet. But if folks want to join and help out with it you can always email me at

Anyhow, besides this I’m working on DRCL volume 1. I’ve been going back and forth with this and that. And basically just trying to balance these projects with the rest of my other life obligations. We don’t really have any particular set schedule for coming out with volumes of Shima but we’ll play it by ear and see how it goes. Speaking of which Hirokane-sensei announced that the new part of Shima Kōsaku that’s starting will be called “Outside Director Shima Kōsaku”. So that’s pretty cool. Even though we’re working on the part of this series from the 80’s and early 90’s it’s still going and is still a major influential series a lot of people talk about. I really hope getting it out in English like this can gain it some more interest.

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

Section Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 4 (Ch28-36)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

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Wiesław Szczoteczka

Thank you again, you work is superb and the series is everything I expected.


I’m downloading those, and hope to get to reading them sometime. Thanks for the work!