The JOJOLands Ch. 16

Hey everybody, here’s chapter 16! I hope you all enjoy, this one has a loot of text. When I work on these I’m basically doing it all day nonstop from when I wake up to when I go to sleep and then I do some finishing work in the morning the next day if anyone doing final checks made any comments when I was asleep. Honesly I dunno how long I can keep doing these because it takes so much out of me but I’ll keep going for now.

Meanwhile I’m still working on the next Shima Kousaku volume and Kokou no Hito V2 is almost done. Kokou no Hito is an easy series that I’ve already translated so I’m trying to prioritize that to get it all done, but the first like 4 volumes have a ton of text relative to the rest of the series. Then the last bunch of it has like almost none, half the pages have no text, so I can probably typeset a whole volume in like a day, whereas the first ones take like several days. So as it happen the BEGINNING is where all the effort is going to go to. I’m hoping to have that done pretty soon.

Also we finished our HQ scanlation of volume 3 the other day. So please check that out. It took a long freaking time to do all those pages and I really love how it turned out.

We have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

The JOJOLands Ch. 16
Online Reader (Mangadex)

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Thanks for the chapter


Thanks for doing these, you’re the best!!