The JOJOLands Ch. 22

The JOJOLands 22

Hey ya’ll, here’s this month’s chapter. For this chapter we scanlated it from a physical raw because that’s the only raw we could get early this month. Which may happen more in the future probably because we’ve had a number of problems getting early raws recently. Possibly we won’t be able to do it early at all depending on how things go but we’re continuing to do that as much as a means of combating snipers, which always happens with this series, much to my personal frustration. Anyhow if you noticed it looks a bit different than usual, that’s why. We all worked really hard on this chapter. I worked nearly 24 hours straight on it. So I hope you all enjoy.

Besides this, go check out our scanlation of volume 5, I also worked super hard on that. I’m in the middle of translating Shima volume 12, which I should finally have time to finish now after all the stuff from the last few weeks. Really looking forward to doing that and maybe some other projects where I can do at whatever pace I want and don’t need to cram the whole thing into one day.

We have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

Edit 3/18/2025: We updated this to use a higher res digital magazine raw based on the official Chinese version. Ultimately we’re going to replace that with the volume version.

The JOJOLands Ch. 22
Online Reader (Mangadex)

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