Status Update

Just to keep everyone up to date, the raws for Toriko last week (chapter 105) were really late, by about 5 days, and now the raws for this weerk (106) are out, so it’s caused a delay. We’re working on these now. Also the next Gintama chapter should be done soon. But this weird thing with Toriko’s raws is causing some delays.

We have a few people who applied to help clean Toriko and Gintama. I was going to only get people for Gintama but I think Idol needs some help, and it would probably speed things up so I’m going to accpet people to do Toriko, too.

If you want to help out, and have experience or at least enough knowledge to clean on your own, and want to help out, email me at
Or contact me on AIM or MSN, my screennames are Kewl0210 and respectively there.

Thanks for your patients, everyone.