Hanging out on a Fall day…

The weekly chapters are gonna be delayed this week because we haven’t got any raws yet. Our raw provider barely ever tells me anything, so I don’t know why, but we just need to wait until he gets them.
But since I didn’t have to work on those in the last couple days, I was able to finally finish Gintama V40. I really wanted to get this done a lot earlier, but real life problems kept cropping up that made it too hard for me to work on it a lot, so my jobs kept getting delayed. But everyone else worked hard and got their jobs finished, now it’s done. This volume contains chapters 344-352. Volume 41 is the Renhou Arc and Volume 42 is the Mimawarigumi Arc, plus a couple other chapters. Volume 41 is 353-360 and Volume 42 has 361-370, so once we finish those we’ll just need to do 371 and we’ll have the whole gap filled in. Then we can continue to go back to the earlier volumes we have a couple chapters done with, and we’ll continue to redo the issue scanlations with volume versions once they come out, because that’s fairly easy. Volume 41 is really action-y so it shouldn’t take as long to translation check through, and it’s mostly cleaned already, so hopefully that won’t take as long.
Oh, an if anyone’s interested, there’s nothing of much importance in the Toriko Gourmet Hunting Book. It’s pretty much like most databooks in that it’s just recapping the series with information that’s already known put into pretty infographic styles. It also contains the Toriko One Piece collaboration and the original one shot from 2002 (different from the One-Shot from 2008 which was in the Toriko Gaiden book). We might try doing the one-shot and a HQ version of the collab later on, when we’re doing volume scanlations of Toriko.
Gintama Volume 40:
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Online Reader
Gintama 344:
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Gintama 345:
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Gintama 346:
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Gintama 347:
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Gintama 348:
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Gintama 349:
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Online Reader
Gintama 350:
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Online Reader
Gintama 351:
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Gintama 352:
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