The hero’s last tale.

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Wee. Here’s all this. Find out if Hijikata really ends up buying that amusement park made out of mayonnaise and which Jojo wears that hat the best.
Here’s a message from Orthio regarding Jojolion:
Alright guys, Orthio here.
I’m gonna be posting this elsewhere so might as well post here too: We need more cleaners!!
Our team’s been releasing for over a year now and we’ve all fought against a complete lack of spare time but it’s about time that we add to the family. If you’ve got a passion for the series and have enough hours to contribute then we’d really love to hear from you, me and jfreek can go over the basics we just really need someone who’s going to commit to the long-term. To give you an estimate it currently takes about half an hour per page in cleaning and then another chunk for redraws – that’s roughly 16 hours to try and churn out in a week.
If you join you’ll receive this free pen and enjoy all the benefits of yasuho in 600dpi. You’ll be joining one of the single most amazing, talented and dedicated groups in the scanning world – seriously they rock.
If interested please mail me at and I’ll get back to you with a load more questions. Please don’t reply in the comments cause I’ll probably miss it.
Gintama 451
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JoJolion 22
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Online Reader (Batoto)