Sooo many Monkeeeyss…

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Ok, so getting this scanlated was kind of a nightmare. Besides coming a day later than usual when we didn’t expect it, it was hard as hell to get people together to get it all done. With like 2 people helping out that never did before and a bunch of people filling in, we managed to get it done with 6 total cleaners over the course of about 10 hours. Thanks a lot to all of them. Plus Mooni that did all the typesetting on short notice as well. I’m really exhausted now…
So, of the two scenarios we ended up with getting the raws early, so there’s no Jump for 2 weeks in a row. The next one will be on the week of the 11th. So until then, I’ll be working on other stuff. Mostly Ring. After we get Gintama done.
Toriko 307
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