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Check out The Book! It’s a really great novel we released recently that’s a sequel to Part 4 of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure!
Woo! Here we are, another chapter. More of the battle with those weirdos.
We’re thinking of maybe, going forward, to just scanlate the volumes as they come out, rather than do the magazine chapter from the previous month (We’d still scan all the color pages from the magazine). We haven’t been able to do that up to this point because we haven’t had enough staff, but we’ve got a good few clenaers now so maybe it can work without things falling apart. Though the chapters only come out in volumes once every few months, usually. So the higher quality chapters wouldn’t come out as soon. Right now V16 is just coming out, which has up to chapter 66 (Or maybe 67 dunno I don’t have it yet). What do you guys think about that? We may also try to go back and do volume versions of the earlier volumes, if we’re able to. Let me know in the comments what you all think about that.
JoJolion 68 (Version 2)
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JoJolion 69
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