3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) Review Guidebook – Beginner (Manga)

Hey so this is not the WHOLE guidebook just the manga in it drawn by Umino Chika.
For those that don’t know, there are two fan books titled “3-Gatsu no Lion Review Guidebook – Beginner” and “3-Gatsu no Lion Review Guidebook – Intermediate” that came out in the last couple years (This one came out in September of 2014, the 2nd one came out in July of 2016). For the most part, like most fanbooks, they’re just big recaps of the story, profiles of characters, interviews with people on tangential subjects, etc. All of which isn’t really relevant to the manga and would be very painstaking to translate and typeset. But these DO include a few pages of newly-drawn manga by Umino Chika as well as some promotional materials that she drew for the volumes when they came out. That’s all this release contains, and we won’t be working on the rest. This book is recapping volumes 1-5, and so all the things included in this release are relevant to those volumes. Now that we finished all those other projects I finally had time to work on these. This is the first of two, so I’ll try to get the second one done in the near future. And if she ever releases a third one, I’ll try to do that one too.

And if you’re wondering about 3-Gatsu no Lion Volume 14, it doesn’t have a release date yet, but it’ll probably be released in October or possibly late September.

3-Gatsu no Lion Review Guidebook – Beginner
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Sensei no Shiroi Uso Ch.26

I wrote an introduction for the series here.

In the cover flap of V5 she says “There’s not much left to the end” but that was actually like, just past the half way point. It looks like authors really never know how long it’s gonna take them to finish their serialized stories…

Again, this story has themes of infidelity, rape, suicide, gender inequality, blackmail, and murder. So be aware before reading.

Sensei no Shiroi Uso Chapter 26
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Gintama Volume 73

The flame of life…

Image Source: カイチ

Hey, so now that we got all those other projects done we decided to try to do the last few volumes of Gintama using volume raws.
In an ideal world, we would’ve eventually redone ALL the volumes of Gintama that we worked on in volume form, but that’s just not how things panned out. I was originally trying to do that but lack of staff to work on it consistently made it impossible and trying to manage that on top of alllll these other projects I’m doing was more stress for me than it was worth, especially when I had to constantly fill in for jobs and remind people who weren’t working on it to get back to it a lot, replace people who’d just stopped working on it and ignored all attempts to contact them, that sort of thing. I wrote about this more back in 2015 when we did the last one. At this point there’s like 30 of those and it would be a massive project to tackle now, and I don’t think all that many people would actually read them at this point. Also I don’t really wanna spend like a year to redo chapters of a manga we’ve already released so they’re like 10% better quality. Just to be clear, I’d LIKE to do it if it weren’t for the fact it’d just take up all my free time for all that time, but that’s the reality of it. I’d rather spend my time working on new manga and that sorta thing. I have a bad tendency of overworking myself trying to do EVERYTHING and then this stuff can take over my life, which is something I really want to avoid in the future.

Soooo I decided on a compromise to just do these last few as HQ volumes. Everything from V73 to the end. There’s one more volume out now, so we’ll try to get to that one soon. The next one is scheduled for October. In total there’s gonna probably end up being around 77 volumes. The translation and typesetting are pretty much the same since we did these pretty recently. We added some typeset SFX to make it a little nicer. And of course it’s got Sorachi-sensei’s various Q&A sections and rants about this or that that are only in the volumes, his various little adjustments like added highlights and details and fixed-up artworks, and the quality is a lot better than the Jump magazine versions. I hope you all enjoy!

Gintama Volume 73 (Ch656-665)
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Online Reader (MangaDex)