Ok, and with that, this series is done.
I hope you all enjoyed it. This was a pretty difficult series to do, despite not being all that densely worded. All the abstract sentences where it delved a bit into the characters’ subconscious were really difficult to be sure I was understanding everything quite right, since it was sort of indirect. A translator has to kind of have a very firm grip on what’s being expressed so they can get all the subtleties right in their target language. I think I did ok though.
So, this brings the series to an end. I hope you all enjoyed how it ends. I’m sure some people will want it to have ended differently. I’ll just say what my view on it was, which was that this is a story about a character who has all power taken from her, and over the course of the series is able to recover from it and take that power back. Whereas the character that took that power from her ends up on the opposite track, losing power as the story goes on. That, in addition to exploring a lot of very difficult subject matter and perspectives that I feel are hard to understand for some, at least for me these aren’t things I’ve seen depicted all that much in media in my own life, is what I think made this manga something special. I hope everyone who read it got a lot out of it. If there’s anyone out there that was holding out till the story was done before starting, I hope you check it out now.
I’ve got a plan for another series we’ll be starting soon. First we have the last chapter of Gintama and the next chapter of Neko ga Nishi Mukya in the next couple of days though. And I have some IRL stuff going on I need to get finished first, but we should have something new fairly soon.
Sensei no Shiroi Uso Chapter 49
Online Reader (MangaDex)
Sensei no Shiroi Uso Volume 8
Online Reader (MangaDex)