Hey, so here’s something fun.
This is a one-shot manga self-published (a doujinshi) by Sakamoto Shinichi. The author of Innocent and Kokou no Hito, for those not aware.
This is the first project he’s done after Innocent ended. It was published in June. And it’s a short story about child vampires.
This book was a two-author project with him and Furuya Usamaru-sensei, the author of Litchi Hikari Club. He’s done a ton of shorter series and you can see more of the stuff he’s done here. We didn’t scanlate the story he did which was in this same book, which is a sort of autobiographical manga called “1985 Sodom”. If some other group wants to do that, be my guest though. We DID translate this little chat between the two of them at the end, if you wanna check that out.
Uh, so we may do more of these sorts of things if he does publish more (It ends with a “To be continued” at the bottom). This story is very simple and I think it’s more about the art. It’s around the length of a regular Innocent chapter.
I’ve got a couple other short things like this I’m trying to get done in the near future, so look forward to that. Otherwise I’m getting back to the same stuff we do regularly with Ikoku Nikki, Takeshi, and I’m trying to get 3-Gatsu v15 done.
Online Reader (MangaDex)