Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 45

Ok, here is 45. This is also technically the last chapter of volume 5, if you’re going by the old volumes and not the wide-bans. It’s also the end of the 8th String baseball arc thing!
I’m just getting this stuff done in between other life stuff.

Mangadex is down right now so we’ll upload there once it’s back up.

Edit: I think what’s happening is it’s not DOWN but just slow due to a server cache wipe. So it’s uploaded but you may or may not be able to read it there at the moment. Try reloading several times and the pages might eventually load. Might be better in a day or two. Anyhow the link is updated.

Edit 2: They confirmed that on Discord. So if it’s not working just try reloading a few times.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 45
Online Reader (MangaDex)