3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 171

Image Source: レン

Ok, here we are finally with a new chapter of this.
Dascalon hasn’t responded to my messages in a while so I’ve mainly had to do this myself, with a couple people helping out. It’s going to be difficult for me to do this on top of everything else I have going on in my life so I’d appreciate anyone who can help out with cleaning and typesetting this series if we’re going to keep trying to do magazine scanlations of it. If you want to tryout you can email me at kewl0210@gmail.com. I’ve had some difficulties IRL lately which have made a lot of things more difficult, which I’m pretty down about. But I’m gonna keep trying to move forward.

Oh also there’s no 3-Gatsu no Lion in the next Young Animal. We again don’t know when the next chapter is, but given that a lot of issues were skipped in the last few months I’d imagine the next one may show up in not too long. Usually Umino-sensei gets through about one volume’s worth a year. Which comes to like 13-ish of these 10 page chapters and this is just the 5th one for what will eventually make up volume 16.

3-Gatsu no Lion 171
Online Reader (Mangadex)