Ok, so this took a bit longer than I wanted it to, didn’t have time with everything else going on, but it’s all done.
This is a book you could only get by buying all 16 of the Konjiki no Gash!! kanzenbans. I hope you all appreciate it, because just to start out it was expensive! It also wasn’t released digitally and I dunno if they’re printing any more than they have.
This contains a bunch of bits and pieces that weren’t included in the regular kanzenbans. We posted all the new extras from the regular kanzenbans back in September, you can check that out here if you haven’t yet. Unlike the kanzenban extras we released which were only the “new” things, this is just the whole book because it’s not that long (only about 80 pages). This contains kanzenban quality versions of the various Victoream extras from the volumes, all the opening page/title page drawings form the volume, a Q & A from the author, a kanzenban version of the gaiden chapter which was originally only released in paper-magazine form (I did this a long time ago when it first came out, I tried to spruce up the translation a bit), and then a little article about Raiku-sensei’s workplace and an interview with him reflecting on the series and the release of the kanzenbans. It’s pretty fun, I hope you check it out if you’re a Gash fan! I know I am.
For those that don’t know, Gash Bell was the first series I ever worked on a fan project for. First for the anime and later for the manga. I released the manga from Anime-Destiny, my old group we fansubbed the anime in. But I uploaded them all here if you want to read them. So I really felt like it would be fun to do these, even though the series ended a long time ago and it’s been fully translated for a while. Now it seems like there’s a fully “complete” version for English-speaking readers to enjoy.
I dunno if I’m gonna be doing any more Gash stuff. I’m considering maybe going through the volumes I worked on (I didn’t translate them all myself, I translated about 100 chapters) and try to improve the translations a bit to sound more natural and try to fix any errors or inconsistencies there might be. Generally when I look back at translations I did when I was just starting out I think I could do way better in pretty much every aspect (Gash is a pretty simple, straightforward series so I was kinda lucky there, it was a good place to start out). And this was one of the first series I did full translations for. If I did I would make it like a super quick thing where I’m just editing the existing files, not re-scanning them or anything like that. But the thing with projects like that are they always take way longer than you expect, plus there’s 16 volumes to go through, so if I do do it I’ll make a post here about it. If there’s anyone out there that wants to re-translate the whole series with the kanzenbans as the raw source, be my guest. Anyhow, that’s all I’ve got here! I hope fans of this series enjoy this-nanoda!
Konjiki no Gash!! Kanzenban Extras
Online Reader (MangaDex)