Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 129-130

Okay, and with 129 and 130 we are finally into the Devil Black arc! And not only that, I am finally finished translating the whole series! 0 chapters left! I’m pretty proud of that as basically getting to that point involved translating several chapters a week for nearly a year. Now we’re just counting down the finished chapters! There’s 117 to go! I’m right now trying to finish some volume versions of stuff but once those are done I’ll shift to doing more cleaning and typesetting of this series in hopes we get it 100% done in the near future (117 chapters is still gonna take a while to do, though.)

So, the Devil Black arc is the longest arc in the series and goes for 30 chapters. 129 is a gag chapter, 130 is the first chapter of that arc. But it’s a lot of fun and has lots of interesting shit in it. The arc gets kind of Dragonball-ish as it goes on. Depending on if that’s something you’d be into or not.

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 129
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Online Reader (Mangadex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 130
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Online Reader (Mangadex)