Hey everybody so here’s this, it’s a fairly minor update. PronouncedSmith was very kind as to go through all of Wide-Ban 1 and update the typesetting to match the style we used for the whole rest of the series. Originally we did wide-ban 1 in 2016-2017 and there were some long gaps when JoeAbandonedMine took over and changed the style up. This includes typesetting all the sound effects in-line rather than in the margins. Also we made the pages have all the same-sized margins so the single pages are the same width. I also added a couple color pages we found later on. Also we changed the ordering of the extra pages from the volumes from being all at the end of the wide-ban to being at the end of the chapter they appeared after originally like we did for the rest of the series (I think that reads a lot more smoothly). We redid wide-ban 2 at one point also but I never made a news post for it so I added that to this post, too, for posterity. That’s basically the same except for adding one color page and moving the ordering of the extra pages.
Anyhow, that’s it! I think it’s nice we got it all done at the same level of quality like this. Enjoy!
Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Wide-Ban 1
Online Reader (Mangadex)
Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Wide-Ban 2
Online Reader (Mangadex)