Whew, we finally make it to the double digits. Here is Shima volume 10, everyone. After now over a year of work we’re at volume 10 of the 17 volumes of this part. Really I’m quite proud of this, it’s been tons and ton of work translating this and getting the project constantly moving. When you’re doing a big project like this where it can potentially take years and years if you don’t keep up a decent pace it can be hard to be motivated. It’s such a long journey to try to do a series this long and you need to work on it pretty regularly if you want to get it each release finished and in a releasable state at a quality level you’re proud of. And we got this done on top of Gishi Sanjinden and Ikoku Nikki this month which was a huge challenge (Go check those out if you haven’t yet, they’re great). For this I had to basically finish one task and immediately start on another for the past several weeks. It’s been exhausting.
But all that considered, we’ve finally made it to the Philippines. The Philippines arc in Section Chief goes for a pretty long time and it’s an interesting look at a totally different country with a different culture and different economic standards. This arc goes for a while and a lot happens, so I hope you all enjoy it. I feel like I keep saying “A lot happens” in every one of these posts but I guess when you release a whole volume at once that’s always the case. And generally I want people to get an idea of the story from reading it rather than me summarizing things and spoiling them too much in these posts.
And we’re now far past the mid-way point of Section Chief Shima Kōsaku, though we’re like… about an 8th of the way through the series as a whole or something. Like I said I’m not making any concrete plans about doing the whole series because that would take thousands of hours and several years but at least reaching the end of “Section Chief” is getting closer and closer and that feels pretty good after so much work, as that’s the story I really wanted to focus on getting out there. Though so long as I pace myself and don’t get burned out I’ll be okay with doing more past that point.
There’s a new 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter coming out later this week for the first time in a while, so won’t be long until then. Look forward to that. Anyhow, enjoy everyone!
Check out my summary here of what this series is about if you haven’t seen it yet.
Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF
Section Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 10 (Ch87-98)
Online Reader (Mangadex)