Ikoku Nikki Ch. 50

Whew. Well folks, finally, at chapter 50, after about 5 years of serialization, we have finally come full circle and the timeline has reached the events of chapter 1. Something I’m sure plenty of us forgot about completely that chapter 1 takes place when Asa is in her third year of high school. But man we’ve come a long way, haven’t we, with this series?

Anyhow, there seems to be no chapter next month, but volume 10 is coming out in February 2023. So there’ll probably be a chapter the following month. At the moment I’m in the middle of translating Shima volume 12, so look forward to all that, ya’ll. Happy holidays.

Also check out the new one-off series of short stories we just finished, Gishi Sanjinden! It’s awesome and took forever to finish.

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

Ikoku Nikki 50
Online Reader (Mangadex)