Aaand we’ve made it, here we are at Division Chief Shima Kōsaku Volume 3. This volume took a while because we had multiple individual chapters and entire volumes to scanlate between when we finished the last one and now. But at last, it’s all done. This is in fact our 20th finished volume of the Shima Kōsaku series at this point, so I’m pretty proud of that accomplishment. This series is REALLY hard and takes a lot of effort to translate as well as all the other jobs.
I talked a bunch about what’s happening in the Division Chief arc in the volume 1 and volume 2 posts. This volume mainly continues the arc in the wine industry that was started in volume 2. That arc is pretty much over by the end of this volume but a bit more in that industry happens in the first half of volume 4. Then we’re off to the next one. I’ll be pretty happy once that’s done because all the French terms and technical discussion of the wine industry have been quite a slog to understand well enough to translate. Timeline-wise we’re in the middle of 1999 now.
Besides that, some pretty climactic events happen in this volume. You can kind of tell the beginning of Division Chief here is sort of course-correcting from the “happy end” we had at the end of Section Chief, where the series was originally going to end, maybe. So things can’t go THAT well, there have to be downs along with the ups. Also starting in this volume the story starts to pick back up on old plot lines that were introduced earlier on in the story, something that happens every once in a while as the story moves forward. Anyhow, uhh that’s all I can think to say about this one. Much shorter than the last two I guess. Enjoy, everyone!
If anyone would like to volunteer to help out with checking/editing/cleaning/typesetting any of that for this project, please feel free to email me at kewl0210@gmail.com about it. We could always use more help on this series because of how much gosh-darn stuff there is in every single volume.
Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF
Division Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 3 (Ch21-33)
Online Reader (Mangadex)