Uuuuuuuhh we did it! We made it to volume 6! There’s really so much in these volumes man, there’s a lot happening. Well anyhow after the devastating end of Volume 5 I hope you all learned a valuable lesson. In a manga that runs for 40 years and everyone ages in real time, everybody dies. They’re all just doomed. Most of them. Some of them. A lot of them.
Anyhow, on that note, this volume has like a sort of epilogue to the Yatsuhashi Shinko arc, then a bunch more corporate intrigue and on to the next part of the record industry arc. The record industry arc as a whole is quite long (I think the last bit of it ends around volume 10). And there’s a bunch of emotionally devastating stuff in this volume so be advised. And it’s only going to get more devastating.
If anyone would like to volunteer to help out with checking/editing/cleaning/typesetting any of that for this project, please feel free to email me at kewl0210@gmail.com about it. We could always use more help on this series because of how much gosh-darn stuff there is in every single volume.
Uh, there’s been no new 3-Gatsu no Lion chapters in any of the Young Animals that’ve come out recently. Next possible one would be the one that comes out on February 22nd Japan time. And the next The JOJOLands is set to come out on February 19th Japan time. Also volume 4 of DRCL midnight children is coming out later this month, and I think that’s gonna be the last one we work on because it’s licensed. And it’ll take a while to do after it’s out anyhow to get the volume, scan it, and clean the whole thing. For now, I need a bit of a break because I’ve been working on this every day for like… a while now. Enjoy, everyone!
Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF
Division Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 6 (Ch60-72)
Online Reader (Mangadex)