Kokou no Hito (The Climber) Volume 5

WHEW, here’s volume 5! Now we’re well into the real meat of the manga. The speech at the start of chapter 52 here is one of the highlights of the series. It feels like it’s where Buntarō really feels like he’s got firm opinions about his life and how he’s living it that he lets the reader in on. And now we’ve finally got underway with the Northern Alps All-Mountain Ridge Traversal.

This volume was a bunch easier because the amount of text is letting up and the amount of sound effects and fonts is going down. So hopefully these don’t take too long. There’s still 12 more volumes to go now. These don’t take a lot of focused concentration but they do take a lot of hours regardless to get the whole volume done. And we’ve got a few people quality checking now which helps. I’d really prefer this “spruce up” of this series didn’t end up taking many months, because it’s taking up my time for everything else I wanna do. But the hardest volumes are behind us now.

In the meantime, we just released a bunch of stuff and I’m still working on Shima volume 10. Gonna try to really focus on that now that this is done.

Also, we have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

Kokou no Hito Volume 5 (Ch. 43-52)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 209

Whew, so here’s the first 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter since May. I really liked this one! It’s 12 pages long so a bit longer than the last good few have been. There’s no chapter next issue of Young Animal so the next chapter will be some time after that, which is in late September.

Meanwhile, Kokou no Hito volume 5 is almost done and we’re still working on Shima volume 10. And we’re gonna be starting working on The JOJOLands volume 4 soon as soon as the book I ordered gets to me. Until next time!

Also, we have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

3-Gatsu no Lion 209
Online Reader (Mangadex)

The JOJOLands Ch. 18

And here’s chapter 18! This is the next part of the “That Girls’ Bags’ Groove” arc. Volume 4 is now also out so we’ll be working on that as usual. And as usual we need to buy it, scan it, clean it, redo all the redraws, etc. So it’ll take some time, I’ve gotta schedule all this stuff around the rest of my life which has been kind of stressful lately.

Meanwhile we’re in the middle of Kokou no Hito volume 5 and Shima volume 10. Those should hopefully get done before too long.

We have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

The JOJOLands Ch. 18
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Kokou no Hito (The Climber) Volume 4

Ook, here’s volume 4! We have finally finished the beginning arc of the manga and we’re into “Part 2” or the first timeskip or the start of the “K2 Simulation Training Arc” whatever you wanna call it. This is also the last volume where Takano Hiroshi is the writer. After this point it’s all Sakamoto-sensei.

A lot of folks feel like this is where the manga “really starts”, and I agree it’s way different from the beginning to the point of feeling like a totally different manga, I do think the beginning is good in its own right even though it lacks the sort of atmosphere we get when he’s out of school. It also really establishes Mori Buntarō’s mindset and how he’s shaped from being younger to getting to the state he’s in. So I hope you all enjoyed that! Past this point there’s way fewer sound effects which makes it easier to typeset and there’s less text in general, though still way more than there is in the 2nd half of the series. So hopefully these volumes take a bit less time to do. We’ve been doing this project for around 2 months now and it’s probably gonna take a longer than I was hoping but it’s still going pretty well. I’m still going though every single line and a couple people are checking it and helping me improve it. That’s in addition to re-scanning, re-cleaning, re-redrawing, and re-typesetting everything.

Besides that, we’re working on Shima volume 10 and there are new The JOJOLands and 3-Gatsu no Lion chapters coming out later this month. So look forward to all that.

Also, we have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

Kokou no Hito Volume 4 (Ch. 32-42)
Online Reader (Mangadex)