3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 159

Image Source: MiN

You thought it was the climax of the arc but it was me, a tired redrawer. Me complaining aside, we recently acquired a way to get the raws on the same day the physical magazine come out so there won’t be a 2-week delay between when the chapter is out in Japan and when we can get them anymore. The next chapter will be out on June 28th, so see you then!

3-Gatsu no Lion 159
Online Reader (Mangadex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 156

Image Source: Yüm

Looks like the story will take a short break from the exciting development that has been happening in previous chapters to focus on a supporting character. This chapter was quite unpleasant to redraw, this was basically me the whole time I was redrawing it. I don’t want anyone else to have to redraw this chapter so contact me if you want the PSDs. And from what I have heard from Kewl, it wasn’t particularly an easy translation either.

The raws for the next chapter should come out around the beginning of next month. While this series runs in a biweekly magazine, not every issue have a chapter. Until then, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

3-Gatsu no Lion 156
Online Reader (Mangadex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 155

Image Source: Sedeto

Like Kewl has said in the post for the previous chapter, I’m the volunteer who will be helping with scanlating 3-gatsu chapter. Nice to meet you all.

I saw some confusion last time so I’ll repeat it to clarify it. We’ll do regular releases instead of a yearly one, as long as I’m available to do so that is. If I’m unable to help out then Kewl will go back to a yearly release.

And with this chapter, we have caught up to the raws. The next one should come out on the 1st of March and we’ll work to release them soon-ish.

3-Gatsu no Lion 155
Online Reader (Mangadex)