So folks, here’s the new 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter! This was the first one in a while. The last one was in August if you can believe it. Also as we’re nearing the end of the year and there doesn’t seem to be a new chapter next issue, it looks like there was only 5 chapters of 3-Gatsu no Lion this year. Which isn’t too many. But the series does seem to be nearing the end so maybe Umino-sensei is taking her time to figure things out. Here’s hoping we have more next year. Regardless, it’s another good chapter and I hope ya’ll enjoy.
In the meantime, I finished cleaning and redrawing the ENTIRE rest of the series of Kokou no Hito and now I’m making my way through typsetting. Volume 12 is almost done. Then the last bunch of volumes should get done pretty quickly. And we have Jojo in the upcoming week. And I’m focusing on Kokou no Hito now but once that’s done I’ll be getting back to Shima Kosaku. Hopefully all goes well with that. Enjoy, folks!
Edit: Ok so according to the website which updates when the magazine goes live, there IS a new 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter in the last issue of the year after all. So the next chapter should come out December 27th Japan time unless it turns out not to actually be in the magazine despite being in the next-issue-preview again.
Also, we have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF
3-Gatsu no Lion 210
Online Reader (Mangadex)