Ok, here’s volume 8! This actually contains all the chapters released so far, there’s been a few breaks because Yamashita-sensei has been doing some stuff for her other series, Sankaku Mado no Sotogawa wa Yoru (The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window) which got an anime recently. The next chapter is scheduled to come out in the next issue of Feel Young which comes out November 8th, Japan time.
Also as I mentioned back in volume 7, for this one we used the digital raw (Except for the cover and inside cover and black and white pages which are only in the physical version) becuase the digital raw is good resolution and the art is simple enough that there’s little (if anything) gained from scanning and cleaning the physical pages (thin white lines sometimes get lost in leveling and such) so we stuck with the regular digital volume. I think it turned out pretty good. (I still can’t upload this to Mangadex until they allow editing of pages of already-uploaded chapters.)
As I mentioned before, a lot of volumes came out at once. Jojolion v27, 3-Gatsu no Lion v16, and Ikoku Nikki v8 came out within a 2-week period. We’re also finishing up Jojolion v3. This is the first one we got done because there’s a lot less work that goes into cleaning and redrawing and typesetting/lettering for this series than the other ones. Though JoJolion is almost done and we’re hoping to get that released soon. And 3-Gatsu no Lion is MOST of the way done. After those are finished I’m gonna work on the next Shima Kosaku volume. Anyhow, enjoy this, everyone!
Ikoku Nikki Volume 8 (Ch. 36-40)
Online Reader (Imgur)
Online Reader (Cubari.moe)