Gintama’s the kinda series where the author knows how it’s gonna end from chapter 1.

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Whew… I’m so exhausted… Okay, Jump came out early this week. Here’s the previous issue’s Gintama and this week’s Toriko. This week’s Gintama is wordy as hell…
Jojolion 14 is almost done. As usual, we had to wait for Jfreek to get his copy of Ultra Jump in the mail, but he’s got it and scanned it now.
Also, this week there’s a one-shot of Kishibe Rohan ga Ugokanai a.k.a. Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe in Jump. So we’ll try to scanlate that, too. I guess.
Edit 10/3: There were a couple typos that I fixed. If you didn’t notice, it doesn’t matter really.
Gintama 416
Direct Download
Online Reader (Batoto)
Toriko 206
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Online Reader (Batoto)