Toriko 195 & Gintama 406

No time for planning…

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So, Jump came out early this week.
Gintama was delayed because I’ve been busy with a bunch of things. Mostly building my new computer. The next Gintama chapter shouldn’t take too long. Anyhow, I gotta go catch a bunch of other things. Go read these.

Toriko 195
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Gintama 406
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Gintama 405

No more space politics for me.

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If anybody’d like to donate a hundred dollars or two so I can afford a new computer, that’d really help me out. It’s increasingly frustrating to use this old one I’m on. Not that I seriously expect anyone to do that, but I do need a need a new computer. It’s causing any of these projects I’m working on to take a loooong long time, especially with all the added frustration.

Edit: Apparently, on top of everything, our raw provider messed up and didn’t scan two of the pages. So we’ll work on doing those and release a v2 of this.

Edit 2: Okay, the version here now is the version 2. It has the two originally missing pages plus a couple other small adjustments given the new context. Thanks a lot to all the staff for working on this on short notice. It’s now 6AM, I spent all night doing this and another translation project, so I’m going to sleep.

Gintama 405 (v2)
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Toriko 192

The world is clearly going crazy.

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Oook. This is done. I feel like I’ve spent the last 5 days doing nothing but translating, typsetting, managing groups and stuff… Barely got any time to sleep or do other things. And now after spending 4 hours typesetting on this frustratingly slow as hell computer, I’m gonna go spend 8 hours translation checking Gintama and a couple other things and then maybe sleep around 10AM…

Aaanyhow, this chapter’s totally awesome and got some great story development. Enjoy.

Toriko 192
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