Toriko 184

Sit still and think.

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God, this chapter had so much text… It took me forever to translate and typeset it. That’s pretty much all I did all day.
Gintama should be done tomorrow assuming nothing goes wrong. But that’s kinda always true. And there’s no way of knowing if anything’ll go wrong, so it’s not really worth me saying anything.
I’m trying to get some more long-term stuff done when I have time.

Oh, also I change the color and some of the stuff on the website so it’s less of a default WordPress style. If you didn’t notice yet.

Toriko 184
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Toriko 176 Release

Drown your sorrows of Valentines Day in tons and tons of alcohol…

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I’ve gotten into the weird habit of staying up all night the night before I get the raws for this, then getting it and sending it to the cleaners, then translating it, then going to sleep at 9-10AM and sleeping until like 4-5 PM when the cleaning’s done… Then typesetting and releasing it… I guess that’s… Ok…

Toriko 176:
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Toriko 175 & Gintama 387 Release

Everything’s about to fall apart…

Gintama took a while again this week because Rufi had Internet problems or something I dunno. It really shouldn’t take too long for 388.
Also, the guys from Volume 42 are in this chapter so if you don’t wanna whatever, don’t whatever.
I’ll… get back to doing one of the other hundred things I need to do, now.

Toriko 175:
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Gintama 387:
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