Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 121-122

On to 121 and 122! This is more of Millennium Island arc! I think I said it was 3 chapters long before, it’s actually 4. So we’ve released 3 of them so far and the next one (123) is the last one. Hopefully next week we can get to chapter 124 which means we’ll finally be past the series’ half way point.

I’ve got 33 chapters left to translate. After doing multiple chapters of this insanely hard series every week for nearly 11 months now I’m almost done. A couple more chapters and I’ll be at the Barbarian Arc, which is the last big arc of the series and has a lot of really action-focused chapters so it won’t take so long to translate most of them (hopefully).

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 121
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 122
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 119-120

And here we have 119 and 120! We’ve nearly released half the series at this point (The series is 247 chapters so the half-way point would be 123.5). Also now we’re into the short arc the Millennium Island arc! Which is 3 chapters long, so, we’ll probably finish next week-ish.

I’ve got 39 chapters left to translate. I just finished scanning wide-ban 12 out of 13. So, honestly almost there, finally, after translating this manga like a madman for the last 10 months.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 119
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 120
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Section Chief Shima Kōsaku Volume 1

Section Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 1

Ok, so, everyone, presenting this! Volume 1! Of a new series! Section Chief Shima Kо̄saku!

I’m just gonna do a little introduction here to explain to those that don’t know anything about this series. Which is most people reading this, probably. The Shima Kо̄saku series is a series by Hirokane Kenshi that has been running in Kodansha’s Weekly Morning magazine since 1983 and it is still going to this day (Though it doesn’t run in every issue. Like this volume 1 here is made up of chapters that came out from 1983, 1984, and 1985. In Part 2, 0-2 chapters a year were released from 1992 to 1998, then it started running weekly again in 1999.) Also it’s got 46 million copies in circulation, apparently. It’s a manga known for its realistic depiction of life as a salaryman (which is sort of a slang term for a male office worker) working at a major Japanese company and its office culture and that sort of thing. It’s a slice of life drama about making one’s way in the corporate world and the emotions he experiences involved with that. It also has themes of management strategy, the main character’s relationships with women, mysteries, and office politics. Also all kinds of crazy weird shit happens.

This series is kind of the archetypical seinen manga. And it’s one of the series a lot of Japanese readers will think of immediately when thinking about manga for adults. The main character, Shima Kо̄saku, starts out at age 34. It’s a series well known for its realistic depiction of office life and about the things actually going on in Japan at the time. Since it’s so long running it has a fairly dedicated following. Also there was a movie, a TV drama, a bunch of parodies, a Super Famicom game, and a bunch of other adaptations (There’s no full adaptation of the whole series as a drama or anime or anything, rather a bunch of short ones or parodies.) I know his face was on a bus once… There’s just a lot of things.

The series breaks down into parts. They go something like this:
(Part 1) Section Chief (Kachō) Shima Kōsaku 1983–1992: 17 volumes
(Part 2) Division Chief (Buchō) Shima Kōsaku 1992–2002: 13 volumes
(Part 3) Managing Director (Torishimariyaku) Shima Kōsaku 2002–2005: 8 volumes
(Part 4) Executive Managing Director (Jōmu) Shima Kōsaku 2005–2006: 6 volumes
(Part 5) Senior Managing Director (Senmu) Shima Kōsaku 2006–2008: 5 volumes
(Part 6) President (Shachō) Shima Kōsaku 2008–2013: 16 volumes
(Part 7) Chairman (Kaichō) Shima Kōsaku 2013–2019: 13 volumes
(Part 8) Senior Advisor (Sōdan’yaku) Shima Kōsaku 2019–present: 4 volumes (Ongoing)

So that makes 82 volumes in total so far. There’s also a number of short prequel series that ran in monthly Evening magazine (Which eventually finished and “caught up” to where the series started) which total 21 volumes, so if you count those the series has a total of 103 volumes right now. They’re all written by the author and as far as I know those are also considered canon, but they’re not what came out first and are kind of “extra” (A group called Manga:Code scanlated 2 volumes of the first prequel a long time ago). Also there’s some spinoff series which are written by other authors (Including “The Time I Got Reincarnated as Shima Kōsaku”). (Also the author has done and continues to do another series called “Tasogare Ryuuseigun” or “Like Shooting Stars in the Twilight” which is 64 volumes long, because this guy is insane. Someone should translate that, too.)

My current plan is to just do the first part, which is probably the most famous one, which is Section Chief Shima Kо̄saku. I’m not sure how long it’ll take because this series is QUITE hard to translate. And at the moment I’m focusing on finishing the end of Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi. But I wanted to get volume 1 out just to get started. Though if I do finish it and I’m not dead or sick of it, I’ll consider moving on to the second part. I’m probably not going to “catch up” to the ones coming out in Morning barring me eliminating the entire rest of my life to work only on this series. So if other groups want to work on later parts of the series, go right ahead. Despite it being quite a famous series, nobody’s scanlated it and there’s no official English volumes out (They did a few “bilingual editions” of Part 2 and part 6 for some reason which I’m fairly sure are out of print and only did a couple volumes of each. But they write in oddly-lettered English with Japanese in the margins and the panels spread out so it’s not really the ideal way of reading the manga. They’re mainly a language-learning tool.) I’m gonna use macrons for the long vowels because I think it sorta fits this manga somehow. And I’m gonna release it in volumes for now, I might change my mind at some point, who knows. Also the corporate titles don’t really have consistent or official ways to be translated into English, mainly the middle ones with “director” in the name, so I’m choosing ones that are clear that I think work best there. (They don’t really have one-to-one equivalents in the English-speaking world.) So I hope folks are okay with what I went with. Also I’m not gonna try to track down the color pages for this series as they don’t seem to be archived anywhere and there’d be a LOT Of old manga magazines to buy if I wanted to go that route (Which are much harder to find than Jump). I’m including some color pages that were included in the bunkobans though.

Uhh, and also I should mention that this series is probably an 18+ series and give a content warning that it contains depictions of nudity, sex, prostitution, infidelity, blackmail, suicide, racism, and probably a lot of other stuff in that vein (I haven’t read all of it). Also keep in mind that at least this part was made in the 80’s and so has things in it that may not be considered proper today. It’s also a story about complicated figures that don’t always do the right thing. Just figured I’d mention that up front.

Anyhow, I wrote a whole lot here. I hope you all check this out and enjoy it!
(P.S. I still can’t upload this to Mangadex because they still don’t allow new series to be added and this one wasn’t on there before it went down.)

Section Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 1 (Ch1-8)
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 117-118

Here’s this! I’ve got 45 chapters left to translate. Uh, not much has happened since last week. Anyhow, check these out, these are some more fun gag chapters.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 117
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 118
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JoJolion Volume 4

Image Source: cococo029

Whew, so here’s our HQ version of volume 4. There’s just one volume left which we don’t have a volume version for left and that’s 3. And then we’re gonna redo v1 and v2 to be more in-line with our current styles and have all the sound effects and all that. I said this on the other volumes, but they’re all done except for the last step which is the typesetters going through them and updating the fonts, which they can only do when they’re free from other stuff they got going on. So those’ll definitely get done at some point. Again, the series is on hiatus until whatever JOJOLANDS is comes out and volume 27 comes out next month. (Also we still can’t upload this to Mangadex until they allow editing chapter pages again.) See ya later!

JoJolion Volume 4 (Ch14-18)
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Online Reader (Cubari.Moe)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 115-116

Ok, here’s the next two! This is two more one-off gag chapters. They’re pretty good, got some memorable stuff in this one. I really like the “Toki from Fist of the North Star” joke in 115. Anyhow that’s it! In terms of translating, I’ve got 49 chapters left.

There’s no Ikoku Nikki in September and we still dunno when the next 3-Gatsu no Lion is coming out. So I’m focusing on trying to get this done, as I’m finally down to less than 50 chapters to translate. But I’ve got some other stuff almost done as well.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 115
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 116
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 113-114

And here we are, wide-ban 7!! Moving right along. Wide-ban 7 is where the short Ryuuguu palace arc is and later where the Devil Black arc starts (towards the end) so there’s lots to look forward to. Also just tons of one-off gag chapters! Which is what we have here! These are some weird fun ones, I hope you enjoy.

In terms of translating, I’ve got uh, 52 chapters left.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 113
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 114
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JoJolion 110 (End)

Image Source: 鍋野

And this is it! The final chapter! We’ve now officially scanlated all of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 8 – JoJolion!
Volume 27 comes out next month and we’ll do a high quality version using the raws for that once it does. Our HQ versions of volumes 1-4 are almost done, I’m gonna see if there’s any way to get them finished up sooner because it’s really been dragging on longer than I want.

There’s no… uh… Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure next issue. As you might’ve heard by now because it’s been going around Twitter, in a comment at the end of the magazine in the Table of Contents by Araki says the next thing he’s doing is tentatively called “JOJOLANDS”. Which is probably Part 9, unless it’s some totally different thing. But he says he’s taking a small break before that starts. The plan for now is for us to just continue on to that part, assuming we still have enough staff to do it and nothing else unexpected happens. But I’ve been working on this series for a long time and I dunno if I can do it forever because Araki is immortal and Jojo’s will possibly never end. ANYHOW we’ll figure that out once more is announced. Enjoy this final chapter!

JoJolion 110
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 111-112 (Wide-Ban 6 Complete)

We made it to the end of Wide-Ban 6! And I’ve got 57 chapters left to translate as of now.

We didn’t have any releases last week because I was on vacation. Pronouncedsmith did a lot of work on cleaning stuff though.

These chapters have some good stuff, 111 is a super “I just threw stuff at the wall to see what stuck” sort of gag chapter (Where we got all the color pages except one) and 112 is the other end of things which is much more sentimental. It’s also the first appearance of Takeshi’s Grandma, who is a major character moving forward.

I’m trying to get through translating the remaining chapters soon, so that’s what I’m mainly focusing on right now when I have free time. Once I’m done I’ll be helping more on cleaning/typsetting to make sure we get through that a bit faster. Hopefully! Also I’m doing some other stuff when I’ve been doing too much Takeshi. Hopefully that gets done soon.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 111
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 112
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Wide-Ban 6 (Ch94-112)
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Ikoku Nikki Ch. 40

And here is the new chapter of this! Uh, it’s been a while as there was no chapter last month. Also there’s no new chapter of this NEXT month either, so… we’ll see you in September, probably. Also they announce in this issue that Volume 8 will come out on October 8th.

I was away on vacation the last few days so I’m working on getting caught up with stuff now. This chapter took a bit because everyone who could work on it was away for one reason or another.

Also, I should mention there’s no new 3-Gatsu no Lion in this issue of Young Animal that just came out and also they haven’t listed it in the NEXT issue either which comes out a month from now on September 10th Japan time. So the next time there MIGHT be a new chapter will be around September 24th.

Ikoku Nikki 40
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