Here’s the next two! More of the Moby arc. The last chapter I finished translating is 174, so there’s 73 chapters left to translate.
Honestly I’m just trying to figure out how fast I can do these without burning myself out. Cause I’d REALLY like to get to the end of this series soon since I’ve been largely doing nothing but this in my free time for a while now.
Oh also Mangadex is back up and they’re allowing uploads again. Though we can’t “Edit” chapters so we can’t put up the volume versions or any version where we made some sorta change between when Mangadex went down and now (Not without deleting the chapter which would delete all the old comments on Mangadex and such). So anyhow, uh… those aren’t there. Also a bunch of other features aren’t on Mangadex yet and they’ll slooooowly be rolling them out over… some period of time. Hopefully not too long.
Also a reminder, there’s no Ikoku Nikki this month. But there IS one next month, and Ikoku Nikki is on the cover, so look forward to that. Also Ultra Jump comes out early this month, the 16th in Japan, so JoJolion comes out kinda early.
I’ll keep uploading to imgur/cubari.moe for now as I’m not sure Mangadex is accessible everywhere yet. I think I heard about certain IPs blocking it or something. But at some point I’m gonna go back to just uploading it to that one place because Imgur keeps screwing up the page order and I have to fix it manually.
Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 102
Online Reader (Imgur)
Online Reader (cubari.moe)
Online Reader (Mangadex)
Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 103
Online Reader (Imgur)
Online Reader (cubari.moe)
Online Reader (Mangadex)