Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 109-110

And we’re back to gag chapters! There’s a good number of gag chapters before we get to the next arc, which is the Devil Black Arc. Though we’re almost at the end of wide-ban 6 now. I just finished scanning wide-ban 11 and I’ve got 59 chapters left to translate. And I’m exhausted! Anyhow check this out, ya’ll. These are some good ones.

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Online Reader (Mangadex)

Mugen Tengoku (Heaven/Hell of Uninterrupted Suffering) by Shino Ura

Hey so here’s this thing!
For those that don’t know what this is, it’s another short story by Shino Ura who does a lot of weird and unique sci-fi/fantasy stories. We did a volume-long book by Shino Ura a while back you can check out here. This is a single one-shot story that ran in the April 2020 issue of Comic Beam. Technically speaking it ran in a little supplemental book of one-shots called “Comic Beam Fresh” which came with that issue. I won’t go into it but it was a real pain to track this down because digital versions of magazines stop going on sale after a year. So after a LOT of effort I found this and scanlated it. Also because that magazine is out of print you can’t even buy this in its original language anymore unless you get it from someone who bought it because it’s not compiled in any sort of stand-alone book. This is technically the newest manga released by Shino Ura, they haven’t posted anything since this came out last year. (I dunno why really. Maybe they’re working on a series or something now? Not sure. They haven’t posted anything on their Twitter for a while now either.)Anyhow this is a pretty fun 26-page one-shot I hope ya’ll check out.

There’s one other book Shino Ura has put out called Gishi Sanjinden (Fake Biography of Sanjin/Mountain Person) which I want to do at some point. But at the moment I’m trying to focus on finishing Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi rather than stopping to do too many side projects. (This one is pretty short so working on it wasn’t so big a deal.)

I can’t upload it to Mangadex until they allow adding new series back. Which hopefully they do at some point soon.
Anyhow, check it out! It’s a fun weird thing.

Mugten Tengoku (Heaven/Hell of Uninterrupted Suffering) by Shino Ura
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Online Reader (Mangadex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 106-108

And here we are, the end of the Moby Arc! The Moby Arc ends at the end of chapter 108, so that’s all done. I hope you all enjoy it, it’s a great arc. Uh, I’ve got 65 chapters left to translate.

We’ve mainly just been releasing this series but I AM working on some other stuff. I kinda wanna get the rest of this series translated somewhat soon though so this is gonna remain my focus so I’m not still doing this years from now.

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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 104-105

And two more! We’re getting towards the end of the Moby arc now. The last one is chapter 108. But we’re nearly at the climax at this point. I’ve got 69 chapters left to translate. (Nice, etc.)

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JoJolion 109

Image Source: Kristallion

109! Also it looks like next month Jojolion concludes. It’s been quite a 10 years. Next month is on the usual release day of the 19th in Japan so we’ve got a bit of a longer wait than usual because this month’s was super early for some reason (Maybe to do with the Olympics starting next week? We dunno really.)

We’re still trying to get the last few of the old volumes done, hopefully we can get them out soon. We’ve been trying to figure out a plan for that so it doesn’t take so long.

Oh I should also mention that seemingly there is no 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter in the next Young Animal (So that’s two in a row without one that hasn’t happened in a while). So the next chapter may not be until August 13th Japan time at the earliest.

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Online Reader (Mangadex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 102-103

Here’s the next two! More of the Moby arc. The last chapter I finished translating is 174, so there’s 73 chapters left to translate.

Honestly I’m just trying to figure out how fast I can do these without burning myself out. Cause I’d REALLY like to get to the end of this series soon since I’ve been largely doing nothing but this in my free time for a while now.

Oh also Mangadex is back up and they’re allowing uploads again. Though we can’t “Edit” chapters so we can’t put up the volume versions or any version where we made some sorta change between when Mangadex went down and now (Not without deleting the chapter which would delete all the old comments on Mangadex and such). So anyhow, uh… those aren’t there. Also a bunch of other features aren’t on Mangadex yet and they’ll slooooowly be rolling them out over… some period of time. Hopefully not too long.

Also a reminder, there’s no Ikoku Nikki this month. But there IS one next month, and Ikoku Nikki is on the cover, so look forward to that. Also Ultra Jump comes out early this month, the 16th in Japan, so JoJolion comes out kinda early.

I’ll keep uploading to imgur/ for now as I’m not sure Mangadex is accessible everywhere yet. I think I heard about certain IPs blocking it or something. But at some point I’m gonna go back to just uploading it to that one place because Imgur keeps screwing up the page order and I have to fix it manually.

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Online Reader (Mangadex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 99-101

We finally make it past chapter 100! Woo! These chapters continue the Moby arc. Basically I’m checking over whatever Pronouncedsmith gets done every week and finalizing it and whatever’s done we release.

In terms of translations, the last one I finished was 167, so there’s exactly 80 chapters left to translate. I’m making good time! I got 25 chapters translated in June (Though a bunch of those were fairly easy chapters with big battles and not a lot of talking). I’m almost at the end of Wide Ban 9 now.

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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 95-98

Whew! Ok, here’s a bunch of chapters. Thanks to Pronouncedsmith for joining up and doing a lot of hard work this week to get all these typeset and some cleaned. Hopefully we can keep up this sorta thing and get more chapters released a bit faster, since I won’t be overloading myself doing literally every job now.

Uhh, in terms of translations I just finished 162, so we got 85 chapters left to translate. Gettin’ there! Slowly but surely.

Also now we’re into the next major arc after the Mummy arc, which is the Moby arc! This one’s really great and it’s one of my favorites. I hope ya’ll like it. It goes from chapter 96 to 108, and it’s a big fun adventure with a lot of heart and a lot of gags that kinda feels like a precursor to some of the arcs in Toriko in a lot of ways.

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3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 183

Image Source: Naito Mitsuki

Here’s chapter 183! This one’s from Nikaidou’s perspective! Fun!

There’s no chapter next issue. It seems like we’re getting these coming out once a month fairly consistently, so the next one is probably gonna be the 4th Friday of July. Though volume 16 is coming out September 29th. So once that’s out we’ll be working on a volume-version of volume 16.

3-Gatsu no Lion 183
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 94

Ok, let’s head right along into Wide-Ban 6! Here is chapter 94. The last translation I finished was 156 so I’ve got 91 more to go. This one’s a fun heartwarming chapter about Gon and his mom. Right in time for uh… Father’s day. Anyhow, I’m exhausted from doing things! We’re almost at the Moby Arc now, which’ll be fun.

As of now I’m basically gonna focus on translating in hopes I can get to the end of the series by the end of the year. So if folks out there want to volunteer to help clean or letter this, I’d appreciate it. You can email me at and I can show you the guides and stuff we have.

Edit: One of the pages got messed up and it’s been reuploaded and fixed now.

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