Kokou no Hito (The Climber) Volume 13

Okay, here’s volume 13. We’re honestly pretty close to the end now. It’s probably obvious reading it but a lot of pages have no text at all and a lot that do have text have not much. Sakamoto-sensei really comes into his style of expressing things very purely with visuals here at a more extreme level than he did earlier on where it was just an occasional panel or page and now it’s more than half of them. Also I’m including all of the color pages here which I think weren’t included in all the old releases. I still had them then but I think they sometimes included them and sometimes just sort of ignored them and didn’t put them in the release. These are all from when I bought the physical Young Jump magazines at the time because there was no digital version. Also this is the last volume that was originally done by OMFGG scans, which stopped responding to me and existing at a group all together shortly after they released volume 13. So past this point we’re doing a fixed up version of the bunch of volumes done by Easy-Going Scans.

This is the point in the story where Buntarō has finally established a happy home life where he’s not escaping to mountains to get away from the misery of the rest of his life but then he’s being pulled in the opposite direction of finally getting his chance to climb K2 which has been his life’s goal up to that point. He’s dealing with the inner conflict of passion VS family. Or maybe one “home” VS another “home”. Or two different identities. The identity that wants to feel free and experience all these powerful things on mountains and an identity wanting to be with people and form emotional connections with them. I made sure every time it’s in the background I typeset the “Climb the number one mountain in the world” sign which kind of looms as this symbol of his “passion” identity and past self from when he was totally alone.

So our scanlation of this series, or “fix-up” or “re-scanlation”, is almost done. I mentioned in previous posts I went ahead and cleaned/typeset all the way to the end because it was easier due to the lack of text. Now I’m almost done typesetting, too. I’m in the middle of volume 17 now, which is the last one. Mainly I’m just waiting on the QC team to check these over and we’ll be all done. I’m not gonna rush them to do it but I wanted to get my part done and then I can go back to working on other stuff. But volumes 14, 15, and 16 are being checked now, and I’ll probably finish typesetting volume 17 sometime in the next few days, so the rest of the series will probably be released in not *too* long. Once I finish typesetting v17 I’m gonna go back to translating Shima volume 12. Besides that, we also have the new 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter this week and we’re working on The JOJOLands volume 5. So I’ll definitely continue to be busy for a bit. I hope you all enjoy!

Also, we have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

Kokou no Hito Volume 13 (Ch. 123-132)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

The JOJOLands Ch. 21

The JOJOLands 21

Hey everybody, here’s Jojolands 21. We had a whole bunch of problems getting early raws this month and were eventually able to with a backup source and then we were working nonstop since then to get it done for now. Sometimes our raw sources are inconsistent and we can’t be sure if we’ll get it early to be able to release it same-time as it comes out in Japan. There’s been lots of problems with those this year, but we’re gonna keep trying. Sometimes working on this project and trying to get it all done in one day to get it out this fast is really stressful, so I dunno ho long I can keep it up, if I’m being honest. But we’re gonna keep going for now, who knows what’ll happen next month.

In the meantime, The JOJOLands volume 5 just came out so we’ll be working on that. As usual it seems to be basically exactly the same as the magazine versions. One small notable change is Acca Howler has been changed from the 6th generation head of the Howler family to the 8th generation head (it comes up in chapter 21 as well). Anyhow we’ll be working on that but it’ll take some time to get a physical raw, scan it, clean it, etc.

Volumes 13 and 14 of Kokou no Hito are cleaned and typeset so they’re being checked now so there should be more Kokou no Hito done soon. The end of the series is really easy due to not having much text so I’m trying to just focus on that and get all the way to the end. A lot of the last few volumes have chapters where half the pages have no text on them so they’re very easy. So I figured I might as well just focus to get all the way to the end so this series is done. Then I’m gonna go back to focusing on Shima volume 12 once that’s finished.

Anyhow, this is the last Jojo chapter of the year, so have a good new year, everybody!

We have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

Edit 3/18/2025: We updated this to use a higher res digital magazine raw based on the official Chinese version. Ultimately we’re going to replace that with the volume version.

The JOJOLands Ch. 21
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Kokou no Hito (The Climber) Volume 12

BWAM here’s volume 12. A lot of big events happen in this volume and it starts setting up for the final arc which we get into next volume. As usual this volume has lots of great art and a lot of memorable scenes as Mori/Katō Buntarō starts to really change as a person and overcome some of the biggest personal obstacles he’s had up to this point.

So, I talked about this in the last couple posts, but at this point we’re down to the point in the manga where there’s VERY little text compared to early on. It sort of gets less and less as the series goes on and just occasionally has a wordy chapter or two then goes back to chapters where half the pages have no text. Because of that, there’s way less to do in these later volumes, so I’m trying to get this series finished up soon. I finished cleaning and redrawing the whole rest of the series to the end of volume 17. Volume 13 is typeset and being checked and I’ve typeset the beginning of volume 14. Besides the occasional wordy chapters where I need to double check every sentence, most chapters don’t take very long. Some of these take literally 10 minutes, though some take like an hour or two. At this point we have 48 chapters left to release. So I’m trying to get through a lot while I have some free time right now. As usual I’m trying to balance “I want to get this done” with “I don’t want to burn myself out and use all my free time working.” But I don’t think there’s all that many total man-hours of work left so I’m really trying to get it all done.

Meanwhile, we have Jojo this week. Volume 5 is also coming out so we’ll be working on that. And also there’s a new 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter coming out later this month, and I’m working on Shima a little while I have some spare time (I’m mostly trying to finish Kokou no Hito before I get back and finish Division Chief Volume 12). So look forward to all that! Enjoy, folks!

Also, we have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

Kokou no Hito Volume 12 (Ch. 113-122)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 210

So folks, here’s the new 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter! This was the first one in a while. The last one was in August if you can believe it. Also as we’re nearing the end of the year and there doesn’t seem to be a new chapter next issue, it looks like there was only 5 chapters of 3-Gatsu no Lion this year. Which isn’t too many. But the series does seem to be nearing the end so maybe Umino-sensei is taking her time to figure things out. Here’s hoping we have more next year. Regardless, it’s another good chapter and I hope ya’ll enjoy.

In the meantime, I finished cleaning and redrawing the ENTIRE rest of the series of Kokou no Hito and now I’m making my way through typsetting. Volume 12 is almost done. Then the last bunch of volumes should get done pretty quickly. And we have Jojo in the upcoming week. And I’m focusing on Kokou no Hito now but once that’s done I’ll be getting back to Shima Kosaku. Hopefully all goes well with that. Enjoy, folks!

Edit: Ok so according to the website which updates when the magazine goes live, there IS a new 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter in the last issue of the year after all. So the next chapter should come out December 27th Japan time unless it turns out not to actually be in the magazine despite being in the next-issue-preview again.

Also, we have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

3-Gatsu no Lion 210
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Kokou no Hito (The Climber) Volume 11

Hey everybody! So here’s volume 11. At this point the manga is becoming more and more minimalist. This volume has one chapter that has no text at all. And we’re now at the point where there’s no more sound effects, and it switches to only using visual metaphors. There’s a FEW in this volume but I’m pretty sure this is where the last ones in the series are.

So, given that there’s not a lot left, I’m trying to see if I can sort of push to get through the rest of the series fairly soon. Right now I’m in the middle of cleaning and redrawing volume 16 out of 17. Then theoretically typesetting shouldn’t take too long since there isn’t a lot of text and at this point it shouldn’t need so many corrections because I had a little more experience at this point. Not that there’s many mistakes in these, for the most part they’re the sort of little misses you’d just notice after going over it an extra time. The other textual changes are mainly making it sound more natural or flow better. But anyhow, given there’s not a lot left I figured it might be a good idea to try to just really focus on this a bit and see if I can get to the end soon rather than draw it out doing one every 2-3 weeks. So for now I’m cleaning ahead till I get to the end and typesetting enough so the QCers have something to check while I’m working ahead. Though we’ll see what happens. Sometimes when I do this sorta thing, like I did with Takeshi a couple years ago, I got kinda burnt out. But at this point there’s 6 volumes left and I only need to clean about 3 and a half so it shouldn’t be too bad.

Also, we have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

Kokou no Hito Volume 11 (Ch. 103-112)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

The JOJOLands Ch. 20

The JOJOLands 20

Aaand we’re back! After a month break The JOJOLands is once again, having chapters come out. We’re right back where we left off in that battle with Bobby Jean and Jodio. Not much else I can say without spoiling anything, honestly.

So meanwhile we’re working on more Kokou no Hito and Shima Kōsaku as usual. We just released Kokou no Hito volume 10, so go check that out. Kokou no Hito is really moving along so I’m going to try to get the rest of it finished in not *too* long as the remaining volumes have generally less text than the ones we’ve done so far.

We have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

The JOJOLands Ch. 20
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Kokou no Hito (The Climber) Volume 10

Aand we’re done with volume 10! Now after about five and a half months since the first release, we’re into the double digits. There’s 7 volumes to go now. We’re definitely getting there! So at this point we’re a good ways into the small story arc between the Northern Alps Traversal arc and the final big arc which is the K2 arc. Generally speaking there’s less text from here on out besides a few wordy chapters. So because of that it SHOULD *IN THEORY* take less time to do. I’m really trying to prevent this side project where we redo old stuff to take that long. Then I can move onto some other project maybe. The last chapter with any sound effects is the beginning of volume 11. But there’s still plenty of double page spreads to join and lots of redraws to do so it’s not MUCH easier. Still gonna take a lot of work, but I’m working on it.

Besides this, we’ve got Jojo coming up and I started on Shima volume 11 but haven’t gotten too far yet. Enjoy, everyone!

Also, we have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

Kokou no Hito Volume 10 (Ch. 93-102)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Kokou no Hito (The Climber) Volume 9

Ooookay, and now with this we are past the half way point of the series. 9 volumes done and 8 to go. This volume also finishes off the end of the K2 Simulation Training Northern Alps All-Mountain Ridge Traversal arc. So quite a lot is concluded here. And then it gets well into the next arc about Mori Buntarō working on Mount Fuji and introduces Takemura and all sorts of stuff. So this is another good one! I’m really glad we’ve made it this far. It’s taken about 5 months from the first release to this point (And we were working on volume 1 for a couple weeks at that point). So we’re making pretty good time, given the hardest stuff is in the beginning. We’re nearly at the point where Sakamoto-sensei stops using sound-effects. There’s fewer and fewer until volume 11 which has the last one (Unless I missed one somewhere). Once we’re at that point, getting these done should be a little faster. I’m pretty happy about the pace this is given it’s a “fix-up project” and not doing a series from scratch. Once this project’s all done I can probably pick up another project we’d be doing from scratch.

Anyhow, check it out!

Also, we have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

Kokou no Hito Volume 9 (Ch. 83-92)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Division Chief Shima Kōsaku Volume 11

Division Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 11

Whew, ok! This time we finished in less than a month and a half so I’m pretty happy about that. This series is hard folks, I hope ya’ll are enjoying it. For this volume we head straight now into the next (and last) major arc of the Division Chief series, which is Shima’s time as Senior Managing Director at the Hatsushiba Sales Center in Hakata, Fukuoka. It’s got all sorts of stuff about working at a sales center and what life is like in Fukuoka around 2001. It’s got a lot of great stuff, I hope ya’ll enjoy it.

Believe it or not we’re now nearing the end of the Division Chief arc. We started on Division Chief in April of 2023 so it’s been about a year and a half to get 11 volumes done which is pretty good, imho, given we’re doing this and a bunch of other projects and also I don’t get paid for this shit. Also it has tons of text, different fields of subject matter, and every volume is over 220 pages long. But man it feels good to have gotten this far. I really do love this series. We’re 28 volumes into the overall series now, I think. We got the first volume out in September of 2021 so now this project is over 3 years old. Time sure flies, huh? Anyhow I’m gonna keep going as long as I feel like I can spare the time to work on it.

The last two volumes of Division Chief are pretty great ones where all the many plotlines across Division Chief, which came out over the course of nearly a decade. Well, except for the stuff that gets resolved in later parts of the manga. But quite a lot is concluded in those two final volumes and they’re some of the best in the series, so look forward to them! There’s been no Jojo or 3-Gatsu no Lion this month, and the next Jojo chapter is in late November on the 19th Japan time, so we should be doing that around then. The next 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter is sometime in the future, no idea when. And I’m in the middle of working on Kokou no Hito volume 9 now. We’re getting through that series pretty fast but that’s mainly because I’m only editing the translation rather than redoing it from scratch. I’m hoping I can finish that series sometime in the beginning of 2025. Anyhow, see ya later!

Also, we have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

Division Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 11 (Ch125-137)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Kokou no Hito (The Climber) Volume 8

K so this one is all done too! This one gets to the climax of the K2 Simulation Training Ridge Traversal arc. Though there’s still a few more chapters of it in the first half of volume 9. This is 8 our of 17 so we’re now ALMOST half way through the series. I’ve had a bunch of time to do this this month since there’s no Jojo or 3-Gatsu to do. But like I said, it’s still gonna take a while cause I can’t just marathon through these. It becomes sorta mind-numbing at a point when you’ve been doing it for hours a day. And all the redrawing still takes a while every volume.

Shima volume 11 is coming along nicely, I’ve got about 3 chapters in that left to translate now. So that’s what I’m working on at the moment. Hope ya’ll enjoy!

Also, we have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

Kokou no Hito Volume 8 (Ch. 73-82)
Online Reader (Mangadex)