Here is 60! Woo! This is a good one that starts getting into the meat of the Mummy Arc rather than the beginning where they’re just sorta beating guys who are like, complete pushovers.
Ok so lemme give a quick update on what’s going on here. Uh we had some delays because Joeabandonedmine had like, multiple hard drives fail and so he couldn’t work on typesetting/lettering/cleaning. I’ve been translating the series any free chance I’ve had though. But he should be getting through more soon, so expect… more of this at some unknown rate coming soon.
Generally speaking the bottleneck in this series has been the translations because this series has… a lot of words. It’s a lot of gags, a lot of references to stuff from the late 90’s, and just the timing of all the jokes needs to land on top of me needing to make sure I understand them all. But right now, the last chapter I finished is chapter 83. Which is a bit after the Mummy Arc ends, and it’s in the middle of Wide Ban 5. And something I’ve realized is that the more action-y arcs that are more serious take way less time to translate. And also since all the other series we’re doing are caught up now I’ve had more time to work on it consistently rather than in little gaps between other stuff where we were getting like one chapter done a month. So I have a goal of finishing the rest of this series in 2021, which MIGHT??? be possible. I’m gonna try, anyhow. Mainly because we’ve been doing this series for about 4 years now and I’d like to not be doing it… forever.
So I’m gonna really focus this year on getting through it. And I do think the beginning is kind of the hardest part because of how wordy it is. The averave words-per-chapter as well as gags-per-chapter is really high. Though between all the serious arcs there’s always a bunch of one-off gag chapters that take way more time to translate than ones where entire pages are just buff 7-year-olds punching each other.
Lemme just give a quick rundown of each of the big/seriousish arcs (I’ll try to do this without spoiling anything):
The Mummy Arc: This is the one we’re in now. A lot of the characters introduced in this arc are in almost all the subsequent serious ones. This goes from late Wide-Ban 3 to the beginning of Wide-Ban 5. It’s chapters 54-79.
The Moby Arc: This one is a very Toriko-like arc where they go to a mysterious island with crazy monsters they need to beat. This is all in Wide-Ban 6. It’s chapters 96-108.
The Devil Black World Arc: This is a big ‘ol arc that’s kind of Dragonball-ish. It’s from the later part of of Wide-Ban 7 to the middle of Wide-Ban 9. It’s chapters 130-160. (This one is the longest one)
The Leadara Disease Arc: This is about the characters going inside Takeshi to cure him of a disease. It goes from the beginning of Wide-Ban 10 to late Wide-Ban 10. It’s chapters 173-182.
The Heaven Arc: This is kind of like a few of those Toriko arcs where they go to a weird different environment. Kinda like the Skypeia Arc in One Piece (Though it came out before the One Piece Skypeia Arc). It’s early Wide-Ban 11 to late Wide-Ban 11. It’s chapters 193-202.
The Barbarian Arc: This is the last big arc and it has like every character in it and goes into backstories and stuff that hadn’t been examined to that point, and is kind of the accumulation of the whole series and gets pretty dark. Also for some reason in this arc all the characters look like they’re characters in Fist of the North Star. It’s from the middle of Wide-Ban 12 to the end of Wide-Ban 13. It’s chapters 218-244. (After that there’s 3 more chapters, and a 4-page bonus thing, and the series ends) (Also if you’re wondering, the last chapter that came out in Jump before it was cancelled was chapter 237. Then about 3 years later the last 10 chapters to finish the series came out in Super Jump. It’s pretty clear though he was planning on ending the series around here anyhow.)
So those are sort of our major checkpoints. There are other “arcs” that are usually a few chapters long so you can’t really call them “major” ones. Though I don’t want to make it come across like the rest of the manga isn’t worth reading. Important stuff about the overall plot does happen there, including introducing major characters and expanding on backstory and lore and stuff.
Uh, yeah so that’s just to give you all an idea where we’re at. I’m gonna keep working on this and try to get through all that stuff. I hope you’re looking forward to it! It’s really good!
Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 60
Online Reader (MangaDex)