Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 48

And here is 48! 199 chapters to go. This is a sort of parody of a tournament arc a lot of manga do. In that it’s super condensed to be just 2 chapters long, this one being the first. It’s pretty fun!
I was away on vacation last week so now I’m getting back to things. Should have more stuff of various series done sometime soon. Uhhh that’s it!

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 48
Online Reader (MangaDex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 172

Image Source: AHRHD

Here we are!
Ok so, we got some people helping out so I think we may be ok generally speaking getting these done, hopefully. Though some chapters are way more difficult than others.
Uh, there’s no new chapter next issue (The October 9th issue). So the next 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter will be… sometime after that. So, until then!

3-Gatsu no Lion 172
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Ikoku Nikki Ch. 29

29! Yeah!
Ok so the next chapter is the last chapter of volume 6. And as it turns out there was no chapter of Ikoku Nikki in this month’s Feel Young magazine which came out on September 8th, so 31 is the newest chapter out in Japan and will be until next issue which DOES have Ikoku Nikki in it. So it’s POSSIBLE we can catch up by then but we’ll see. Like I said I have a lot going on and I dunno if I’ll have space for two chapters in 2 and a half weeks. We’ll see how that goes, but either way, we’re almost caught up (finally).

Ikoku Nikki 29
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Konjiki no Gash!! Kanzenban Extras

Ok, so here’s this. There’s a bit of a backstory on this. I originally worked on the 2nd half or so of the Konjiki no Gash!! manga back when I had first started scanlating/translating (I also worked on fansubbing the anime, which was how I got into fan translating in the first place. I started with timing the anime when I was around 15). Some of it was translated by other folks too I think. I added those to the downloads page if anyone wants to check them out, but the translations are probably phrased pretty badly given how I did them back when I had only just started.

Recently, Makoto Raiku, the author of the series, released kanzenbans (complete/collector’s editions) of the series with slightly better paper quality and resolution and with all the color pages and such restored. He released them digital-only at first and then physical versions which finished coming out around February of this year. For these kanzenbans he created these little 7-ish page long extras where a couple of the characters from the series talk at a cafe. So that’s what this is. I really loved this series growing up, so I thought it would be fun to do this. It ended up taking WAY longer than I expected though. It’s about 150 pages long in total. That includes the covers and back-covers that were newly-drawn for the kanzenbans. It’s pretty fun, but I recommend only reading them once you’ve read the rest of the series first. It adds some character and personality to a lot of the characters. (I should mention a lot of these characters have no real canonical or agreed-upon name romanizations so we basically just used what *seem right*. They’re not necessarily the ones we used before.)

Raiku-sensei also released a “special book” for those that bought all the kanzenbans. It mostly just contains the extra epilogue chapter in kanzenban form plus an interview and some pages that weren’t in the other kanzenbans. I got that too and we plan to scanlate it at some point. But we’ve only just started on that so it might take a while.

Uhh, so this took way longer than I thought (I didn’t realize how many pages it was in total when I set out to do it) but it’s all done. I hope you all check it out if you like this series. Enjoy!

Konjiki no Gash!! Kanzenban Extras
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 47

Here we are with the next one!
So, we now have exactly 200 chapters to go. Woo. It’s probably gonna take a while if we ever get to the end but I’m gonna keep going as long as I can. Basically I’m doing these whenever I have free time between other real life stuff and the ongoing series.
So, here’s what we have coming up for Takeshi. 48 and 49 are a two-chapter short arc. Then 50-53 are one-off chapters. Then at chapter 54 the Mummy Arc finally starts, which is one of the major arcs. This one spans alllll the way through Wide-Ban 4 and a bunch of Wide-Ban 5, and doesn’t end until chapter 79. A lot of the major characters in the series first appear in that arc, so I’m excited about getting there soon. I hope you’re all looking forward to it. I’m gonna try to get therough these other 6 chapters so we can start that soon.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 47
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Ikoku Nikki Ch. 28

Whew, here’s 28. This one’s fun. We’re closing in on the “being caught up” point now.

Also the next 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter is coming out in the next issue of Young Animal which comes out on the 25th in Japan. So we’ll bet trying to get it done around then, depending on folks’ schedules. A few people volunteered to help clean and typeset so we may be ok on that front, we’ll see how it goes.

Ikoku Nikki 28
Online Reader (MangaDex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 171

Image Source: レン

Ok, here we are finally with a new chapter of this.
Dascalon hasn’t responded to my messages in a while so I’ve mainly had to do this myself, with a couple people helping out. It’s going to be difficult for me to do this on top of everything else I have going on in my life so I’d appreciate anyone who can help out with cleaning and typesetting this series if we’re going to keep trying to do magazine scanlations of it. If you want to tryout you can email me at I’ve had some difficulties IRL lately which have made a lot of things more difficult, which I’m pretty down about. But I’m gonna keep trying to move forward.

Oh also there’s no 3-Gatsu no Lion in the next Young Animal. We again don’t know when the next chapter is, but given that a lot of issues were skipped in the last few months I’d imagine the next one may show up in not too long. Usually Umino-sensei gets through about one volume’s worth a year. Which comes to like 13-ish of these 10 page chapters and this is just the 5th one for what will eventually make up volume 16.

3-Gatsu no Lion 171
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 45

Ok, here is 45. This is also technically the last chapter of volume 5, if you’re going by the old volumes and not the wide-bans. It’s also the end of the 8th String baseball arc thing!
I’m just getting this stuff done in between other life stuff.

Mangadex is down right now so we’ll upload there once it’s back up.

Edit: I think what’s happening is it’s not DOWN but just slow due to a server cache wipe. So it’s uploaded but you may or may not be able to read it there at the moment. Try reloading several times and the pages might eventually load. Might be better in a day or two. Anyhow the link is updated.

Edit 2: They confirmed that on Discord. So if it’s not working just try reloading a few times.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 45
Online Reader (MangaDex)