Neko ga Nishi Mukya Ch. 15

If you didn’t see the introduction I wrote up for this project, check it out here.

In case you didn’t see we also finished volume 2 a little while ago. You can check that out here.

Ok, here’s chapter 15! This one’s also pretty fun. Check it out! Next chapter is in late August.

Also, I updated the downloads pages to look what I think is a bit better. It’s not using HTML tables, now it’s just using divs with some CSS. I made that page originally back in like 2010 or whatever and basically just left it like that because I figured it was *fine*, since you’re just clicking links. But with how long some of those pages are it’s probably better to simplify it a bit and use CSS. I still have to add those manually every time. Ideally we’d have like, a database it got added to every time and updated the pages automatically, but I don’t think there’s any quick way of doing that with how WordPress works.

Anyhow now the downloads are link buttons and it should look better on mobile because the columns are percent based instead of pixel based.

Neko ga Nishi Mukya 15
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 39

Here is 39! I really like this one, and I worked really hard on getting the comedic timing and stuff down to make it work well in English. I hope ya’ll like it. As usual I’m basically just trying to get more of this series done whenever I have time between other stuff. I’m gonna keep trying my best to make my way through it, and hopefully get through them more frequently once my schedule is a bit more cleared up. Only 208 chapters to go…

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 39
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Neko ga Nishi Mukya Volume 2

If you didn’t see the introduction I wrote up for this project, check it out here.
Hey, so we got this done. After finishing all that other stuff I finally had time for this. Though this came out in like February I think. This has up to chapter 12, which is a couple chapters back from the last magazine chapter released.

The volume versions of Neko are like REALLY similar to the digital magazine raws. It’s only a pretty slight improvement. As usual there’s more “image data” on the tops and bottoms of pages and slightly less on one edge. A couple images have adjustments. There’s a cover and there’s no insert texts. That’s about it. It’s a really minor improvement compared to the other series we do volume versions for.

Anyhow, a lot’s been going on, kinda for everyone. I’m working on translating Ikoku Nikki volume 5 right now, and more of wb 3 of Takeshi. The next JoJolion volumes should get done soon, and we’re getting close to being done with v15 of 3-Gatsu. The next 3-Gatsu no Lion volume isn’t in the next issue, so we dunno when the next chapter of that’s gonna be at the moment (Young Animal switched from being bi-weekly to monthly temporarily on top of that).

So yeah, anyhow. Hopefully we get more stuff done soon. I’m mainly feeling better as there’s less of a backlog to get through.

Neko ga Nishi Mukya Volume 2 (Ch. 7-12)
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 38

Whew! Ok here is chapter 38. This is a really good one IMO. A real heartfelt chapter.
Sorry it took a while since the last one. I’ve been trying to get a lot of things done and had a lot going on in my life (I mean I think there’s a lot going on in everyone’s life right now). I’m mainly focusing on getting the rest of Ikoku Nikki translated as there’s not a TON of that left. But I’m switching back and forth between different projects as stuff gets done. And I’m waiting on some folks for the volume versions of stuff I keep talking about in these posts, and once those are done I need to go over and edit and help finalize those. So, yeah. Plenty to do as usual. But with Innocent done and more stuff getting caught up I should have more time to work on Takeshi. So hoping to get a lot more done soon.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 38
Online Reader (MangaDex)

JoJolion 97

Image Source: VKR

Here we are at chapter 97!

Ok so, volume 23’s out, 97 is out, everything’s all good.
Like I said we’ll try to get those 5 older volumes done as the staff has time to get the rest of them done.

I should mention in a previous chapter I had Jousuke saying “I can’t pursue him, but I can be made to pursue him”, it really should’ve been “I can’t pursue him, but I can make him do the pursuing”. Which doesn’t mean exactly the same thing, it was a tricky grammatical structure I haven’t seen too often that I screwed up. In this chapter it calls back to that chapter and that line has been fixed in volume 23 now.

JoJolion 97
Online Reader (MangaDex)

JoJolion Volume 23

Image Source: VKR

Woo! Here’s 23.
We’re now once again caught up (with new volumes). There’s still 5 old volumes to finish, which the staff will get to as they have time between other stuff.
This has chapters 91-94. And the newest chapter is 96. 97 should be out soon, whenever we get it done. It comes out in Japan tomorow. Uh, so, as usual, everything’s nicer looking. That’s about it. Hope you like it!

JoJolion Volume 23 (Ch91-94)
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Innocent Rouge Volume 12 (End)

Ok, we made it. We did it. Here we are, the final volume of Innocent is done. We’ve released the entire series. It’s been quite a ride. The series started in 2013, and I translated the whole thing. Working with a good number of other folks along the way. Thanks to all those involved that spent so many hours making this scanlation project a reality, and thanks so so much to Sakamoto Shinichi for making such a great series.

So yeah, this has been quite a long project and I really love this series. I really like the direction Sakamoto-sensei took with it, as it definitely seemed like quite a challenge to make a series where it had to span over 40-something years and follow actual historical events, while also focusing on a family of executioners. But he created some really interesting vignettes, some compelling characters, and some good themes. Doing a semi-realistic historical story you need to sometimes just suddenly introduce a character or a complicated political scenario, that’ll be around for a few chapters, and then they disappear. Or they show up and you don’t see them for volumes and then their setup gets a payoff. But it also dramatizes and fictionalized events, puts in events that probably didn’t happen (A lot of the Marie Antoinette stuff is based on the Stefan Zweig book and some of the Sanson stories are based on Henry-Clément Sanson’s probably largely ficticious book of memoirs) the story that got woven I think really worked, and was compelling despite its restrictions. The story is meant to be a “memoirs” of this period of history rather than a story of the entire French Revolution. It’s kind of a story from a couple of smaller perspectives. And through that you’re able to gain a sense of this period of time and how it felt living through it and being part of it. And it’s got some good themes of examining capital punishment, the nature of the French Revolution and it’s causes and ideals VS how things turned out, the divide of the rich and poor, all sorts of great stuff. Also the art’s incredible as everyone knows.

So my plan for now is I’ll probably work on Sakamoto Shinichi’s next series in a similar away, released in volumes, assuming it’s not immediately licensed or I just really hate it for some reason (The volumes are MUCH better quality than the digital or physical magazine for a manga this detailed). Or something else goes on in my life where I couldn’t sacrifice the time to do it. But that probably won’t be for a bit. It was about 2 years between Kokou no Hito ending and Innocent starting. So we’ll see how that goes. Also, everyone check out Archipel’s video interviewing Sakamoto-sensei if you haven’t. It’s great.

Oh, also, please let other folks know about this manga! I know some people may wait till a series is done to read it. But we’re just getting the series translated, we don’t have any sort of marketing. It really only gets spread by word of mouth. So if you like it, let people know!

Anyhow, till next time.

Innocent Rouge Volume 12 (Chapters 80-88)
Online Reader (Mangadex)