Ikoku Nikki Ch. 16-17

Hey, here’s 16 and 17. We’re into volume 4 now.
Huldra cleaned 2 so I got both typeset and finished. I’m gonna keep trying to get through the remaining chapters and get caught up. Eventually. The most time consuming part is translating them, and I can only translate these when I find time among the other projects and other parts of my life. So sit tight, we’ll get there. Hopefully in not too long.
I’m doing the same stuff I mentioned in the last couple posts. I’m helping out with trying to get the last few steps of Innocent Rouge v12 done now.

Ikoku Nikki 16
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Ikoku Nikki 17
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Neko ga Nishi Mukya Ch. 14

If you didn’t see the introduction I wrote up for this project, check it out here.
Ok, here is chapter 14! I really liked this one, I hope you all do too.

I bought volume 2 and I’m gonna try to scan it and clean it sometime in the near future, but it’s a lower priority than the other bunch of things we’ve got ongoing I mentioned in the last post.

Next chapter should come out in June, assuming they don’t delay anything. Some magazines have skipped a month.

Neko ga Nishi Mukya 14
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 37

Ok, here we are finally at Wide-Ban 3. Only 11 wide-bans to go.
I should mention we’re changing things up a bit for wide-ban 3, we’re gonna put the extras from the volumes right at the end of he chapter they correspond to and label them _extra1 at the end of the filenames. I think this may be a bit better than saving them all for the end of the wide-ban, though it makes each individual chapter take a bit longer. This is also the first chapter of volume 5 so it’s got the volume 5 cover and stuff at the end.

For a while I was considering just stopping once we got to the end of Wide-Ban 2, but I think I just love this series too much to stop now. I still dunno if we’ll go all the way to the end though, as that’s going to take like 1000 hours of work just to translate. The last chapter is chapter 247, so there’s 210 chapters to go. For those unaware, Takeshi eventually becomes more like Toriko, in that it involves long arc where they go to some fantasy-style place and there’s lots of big battles. There’s a few mainstay characters that appear in each arc, and sometimes they’ll just be absent for a while and show up in a later arc. That sort of thing. I’d like to get these out at a faster rate, and once a few other things are done I should be able to. We’ll see how that turns out.

Right now there’s a ton of things ALMOST done so expect them sometime soon. But it depends on when people are free to work on them. There’s a lot going on in the world right now, obviously. But we’ve got the next Neko ga Nishi Mukya chapter almost done now, Innocent Rouge 12 almost done, we’re working on the 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter that just came out, I got a few more chapters of Ikoku Nikki translated and I’m gonna try to typeset and release the next one soon, and there’s 5 old volumes and 1 new volume of JoJolion to get finished sometime in the near future. And Dascalon is working on getting the volume version of 3-Gatsu v15 done soon. So, yeah I’ve got a lot on my plate at the moment. Plenty of manga for folks to enjoy. Now if I can just find some time to read some manga myself…

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 37
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 36 (Wide-Ban 2 Complete)

Wow. We did it. We finally finished Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi wide-ban 2! Yay.
We finished the last one in December of 2017 so… it’s been a while. But keep in mind we only did like 3 chapters of Wide-Ban 2 then I had to take a break from this series to finish other stuff, and then we resumed last July. Still, it’s been a while and I’m glad this is finally done. It’s a big milestone.

So, this chapter itself is a nice fun one-off chapter. Also included is all the extras from volumes 3 and 4 of the tankoubons (volumes). These extras are the various things Shimabukuro-sensei stuck between chapters in those volumes, including him writing little essays about him life. They’re kinda fun, not excluding because they’re about life in 1998 and before. Like he talks about his favorite manga growing up and that sorta thing. Plus a bunch of random artwork. Wide-ban 2 actually ends EXACTLY at the end of Volume 4, which I think is the last time that happens. Generally the wide-ban 19 chapters long and the volumes are 9.

Ok, yeah, so, moving forward we’re gonna continue along to wide-ban 3. Wide-ban 3 is where the Mummy Arc starts, which is the first arc where Takeshi starts feeling less like a random slice-of-life manga and more like an adventure manga which parodied battle manga. So I’m looking forward to getting there.

Sorry this series has taken so long to get released. Obviously I had to take a break for a year to finish other stuff so that didn’t help. But my hope is that once these other few projects are all caught up (Back JoJolion Volumes, the other 2-3 volumes of Ikoku Nikki, and the last volume of Innocent) I’ll have a lot more time to make sure these get done on a more regular basis. I still can’t guarantee I’m gonna do this WHOLE series because it’s 13 wide-bans long (The last chapter is chapter 247, so we’ve still got 211 more to do). But I’m gonna keep at it. If my schedule really clears up, maybe I can do them a lot faster. Also the battle manga chapters are way easier than the comedic ones which tend to very wordy and require a lot more time and thought in the translation.

Regardless, check the chapter out! Tell your friends! I love this series and it’s a lot of fun. It’s a great series from a generation ago which I really want English speakers to be able to enjoy.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 36
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Wide-Ban 2
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 35

Ok, here we are at chapter 35. Chapter 35 is a fun one because it’s a sort of proto-Toriko chapter. It’s about cooking, and you can tell it’s an interest of Shimabukuro’s.
Next chapter we are FINALLY at the last chapter of wide-ban 2. Which also happens to be the last chapter of regular-volume 4. So we’re gonna try to include all the extras from volumes 3 and 4 that weren’t in the wide-ban in that release.

Also I’m working on all the other stuff I mentioned in the last few posts. The next 3-Gatsu chapter is about done. v15 is almost done. I’m working on helping with Innocent Rouge v12 so that gets done sometime soon. And I’m trying to get more Takeshi and Ikoku Nikki chapters done as those things finish up. JoJolion v3-7 are cleaned and redrawn so we’re trying to get those out as time permits to update all the text. Also the next Jojolion chapter comes out a bit earlier this month, on the 17th in Japan. So a whole lot going on, and I’m trying my best to get it all done.

Read manga everybody. It enriches the soul. THE SOUL.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 35
Online Reader (MangaDex)

JoJolion Volume 8

Image Source: 陣芊

And here we are, the next old volume, volume 8.

This one is the one where Joubin is introduced! Sure is interesting looking back on those given recent events in the story…
For those unaware, we’ve been slowly redoing the old volumes working backwards, replacing the old lower-quality magazine versions. But at the same time also doing the new volumes as they come out. These old ones are basically the same as the original versions but the image quality is better (They’re scanned from the physical printed versions), we’re trying to get the best versions of any color pages we can if they’re out, and the typesetting is improved to match our current style and have all the sound effects typeset (Which we skipped the first time around due to time constraints). I’m also trying to find any mistakes I made and improve the prose in my translation a bit if I can.

I mentioned this in the last couple posts, but we’ve got volumes 3-7 all scanned, cropped, cleaned and redrawn. So we just have the process of updating the lettering styles and checking through the translations to improve them left (These are edited versions of the typesetting the JoJo’s Colored Adventure Team used, which are based on our magazine versions). I’m hoping we’re able to get through them pretty soon and have the whole series done in high-quality volumes finally after all these years, but it’ll depend on when folks have time between their other projects and all that. (Also we may update volumes 1-2 after that to use more up to date lettering, too. Just updating the old volume releases.)

Enjoy, everyone!

JoJolion Volume 8 (Ch31-34)
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Ikoku Nikki Ch. 15

And here’s 15! And this finishes up volume 3!
Again, sorry these are taking so long. There’s just been a lot going on and it’s hard to balance everything.
The current chapter in Feel Young magazine is 28. So I fully intend to catch up once we finish up the current slog of the old Jojolion volumes and the final Innocent volume.

Ikoku Nikki 15
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Ikoku Nikki V3 (ch11-15)
Online Reader (MangaDex)