Ikoku Nikki Ch. 9

Ok, this one went more smoothly.
There’s just one more chapter after this left in volume 2. I’m working on translating volume 3 now.
Volume 4 is the newest one but there’s enough chapters that’ve run in Feel Young for volume 5 and maybe 6 now, so v5 probably will be out by the time we get to v4.

Edit: The wrong color page got put in here somehow. Dunno how that happened. Anyhow it’s fixed now and the links are updated.

Ikoku Nikki 9
Online Reader (MangaDex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 163

Image Source: みどりまめ

Tanaka is as much of a badass as I expected him to be, I’m looking forward to the rest of this arc. But if I’m honest, I’m starting to miss the three sisters, I hope the arc after this will focus on them again.
If you paid attention then you would have noticed that there’s no longer a date for the next chapter at the end of the chapter. This indicates that this series will return to having an irregular release schedule, so we don’t quite know when the next chapter will come out.

3-Gatsu no Lion 163
Online Reader (Mangadex)

JoJolion Volume 21

Image Source: もい

Ok, everybody, here is volume 21 in all its HQ glory.
So we’re all caught up with new volumes again. We’ll be trying to get more old volumes done soon. The next one is volume 9.
Gintama volume 77 is still being worked on. Meanwhile I’m working on more Ikoku Nikki and Takeshi chapters.

Edit: I fixed the links, which weren’t updated.

JoJolion Volume 21 (Ch83-86)
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Neko ga Nishi Mukya Ch. 10

If you didn’t see the introduction I wrote up for this project, check it out here.
Ok, here’s the next one!
I hope ya’ll enjoy, next chapter comes out in October. We finally got a whole bunch of stuff out. I’m gonna go back to working on more of the various projects we’re trying to get through. The Gintama thing took up all my time for a while so I’ve been playing catch-up for the last week or so. We’re still gonna try to get Neko volume 1 done at some point. But that’s alongside Jojolion volumes and all that other stuff.

Neko ga Nishi Mukya 10
Online Reader (MangaDex)