Ikoku Nikki Ch. 7

Ok, so, here we are with chapter 7.
I’m sorry these are taking a while to come out. There’s still 15 or so chapters we still need to release to catch up. Me and Huldra have had a lot going on recently that’s taken up a lot of our time. I’ve got a few more translated and I’m gonna try to help out with typesetting as time permits.
Meanwhile, we’re trying to get more Jojolion volumes, Takeshi chapters, and the last volume of Gintama done. Plus new 3-Gatsu no Lion chapters as they come out. So it’s a little switching back and forth between new stuff and old stuff.
Also the next Neko ga Nishi Mukya chapter is almost done so that should be out sometime soon.

Enjoy everybody! This series keeps getting better as it goes on and the characters get built up.

Ikoku Nikki 7
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Gintama Koujien Fanbook Ending

Ok I hope ya’ll appreciate this because this took way longer than I expected.
Uh so as I’m sure a lot of you know, with the release of the final Gintama volume (77) they also released a “fanbook” which is a kind of series encyclopedia, called Koujien. It’s named after the popular Japanese dictionary of the same name. It’s super long, 432 pages long, so we’re not translating the whole thing, but I translated the relevant new information that was put at the end. So the last 30 pages basically.

This contains the cover and inside cover of the book, a sorta tabloid-style expose on the delays of the final chapter, a realllly long round table discussion between Sorachi-sensei and all of the editors that worked on Gintama over the course of the series, a couple pages of cut panels from the final chapter, a 4-page manga by Sorachi, and a final note by Sorachi. Basically we did the end of the book. And it’s really the only part that I was all that interested in doing, as it’s not a collection of old information or fan works.

Most of the book is a long encyclopedia of every character that ever showed up in the series, and it’s way too long for us to work on. It’d be like translating an entire wiki, it doesn’t really give you any new information. Mostly just stuff that you could already tell by reading the series. It also contains a long art gallery of color pages or just the character sorta cropped out of the color page and stuck on a white background, the original scrapped storyboard from before Gintama was first serialized, some comments Sorachi wrote for the tables of contents of all the issues of Jump… uhh… some letters he wrote to various anime events, and some ‘job well done’ fanart and stuff from his assistants. All of which, if you’re interested in that and want to check it out, you can buy your own here. But it’s very ancillary, so it’s not something this group is going to be working on. If someone else wants to translate all that stuff, you have my blessing.

So yeah, check this out if you’re a big fan of Gintama. I thought it would be a cool final thing to work on. And I hope everyone enjoys. The round table discussion is all text, but I thought it was a very interesting insight into Sorachi-sensei’s mindset during the course of the series and it gives us a tiny look into what it was like to work on Gintama, and all the suffering he put his editors through being late on every single manuscript.
Also we’re going to be doing a volume version of volume 77 still, which Kago is in the process of cleaning right now. So look forward to that, sometime in the near future. Though it is 360 pages long so it could take some time. (If you wanna just read the extras before we finish scanlating the whole thing, I posted it here.)

Edit: I added the author flap which I didn’t notice was even in the book the fist time around.

Gintama Koujien Fanbook Ending
Online Reader (MangaDex)

JoJolion 89

Image Source: あらたかみなえ

Ok, and here we are with chapter 89. This chapter’s pretty short but it’s still pretty exciting.

We’re most of the way through scanlating volume 21. And Volume 9 is scanned so that shouldn’t be far behind that.
I finished translating the extras at the end of the Gintama fanbook so we’re hoping to get that released soon. Volume 77 is 360 pages long so that has to be fully cleaned and redrawn which will take longer, but probably not TOO long.
Meanwhile we’ll be trying to get more Takeshi and Ikoku Nikki out soon. And I think Dascalon has the next 3-Gatsu chapter almost done.

Anyhow, enjoy!

JoJolion 89
Online Reader (MangaDex)

JoJolion Volume 10

Image Source: クロダ@クロカポ本アカ

Ok, and here is volume 10.
For these old volumes we’re updating the fonts and adding in the SFX we didn’t do the first time. The Jojo’s Colored Adventure guys are helping us out with that and we’ve managed to automate a bunch of it, but it still takes a while (Everything still needs to be scanned, aligned, cropped, cleaned, and redrawn). Anyhow there’s 7 old volumes left to do, volumes 3-9. And volume 21 is out now too so we’ll try to do that soon, and hopefully we can keep getting these done somewhat regularly.

I should mention, there are a few lines I tried to improve the phrasing of a little, there was one or two I had the wrong speaker for the first time I think, but besides that the translations is mostly the same.

JoJolion Volume 10 (Ch39-42)
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 22

Hey, here’s Takeshi 22.
So I basically decided I’ll just keep doing this series as long as I feel like doing it and just try to do a chapter when I have time. There are SOME easier chapters but most of them are like this where it’s a lot of text on every page and tells a complete story over the course of 19 pages. But this one’s a good one! We’ve finally reached old dude Santa!
And starting next chapter we finally have made it to the Healthy/Herusii arc! I still don’t know which way I’m gonna romanize his name so look forward to that!

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 22
Online Reader (MangaDex)

JoJolion Volume 20

Image Source: 六波

Hey everybody, here’s the high-quality Jojolion volume 20. This contains the rest of the Doctor Woo arc (It’s apparently Woo, not Uu or Wu or anything else, based on how Araki romanized it in this volume.)

Since Gintama is all done I’m trying to spend some time helping out with getting the remaining Jojolion volumes scanlated. Volume 10 is mostly done and Volume 21 just came out so we’re gonna try to get those two done soon. Even though they’re already translated, we still need to scan, clean, and redraw them all, then transfer the original typesetting over and spruce up the translation. The older ones are gonna take a bit more work to update the typesetting to our more current style and add in the sound effects where we skipped them back then. We’re gonna try to re-use the typesetting Jojo’s Colored Adventure Team did for their digital color scans but in black and white, if possible.

JoJolion Volume 20 (Ch79-82)
Online Reader (MangaDex)

JoJolion 88

Image Source: 八味丸

Ok, here is chapter 88 everyone. Ready for more Oujirou?

Volume 20’s volume scanlation is almost done. Volume 10 is also most of the way done. And volume 21 comes out today. I’m trying to spend some time helping out on cleaning and redrawing the old volumes to speed that up a bit. That’s in addition to Ikoku Nikki and Takeshi and 3-Gatsu. So hopefully all goes well on that front.

JoJolion 88
Online Reader (MangaDex)