Ikoku Nikki Ch. 5

Ok, and so here we have chapter 5. This one finishes off volume 1! Yay.
Sorry there’s been such a long gap between chapters. I’ve been busy with Innocent and finishing the last old volume of Gintama we’re doing. Huldra’s had some IRL stuff that’s taking up all her time so she hasn’t had much time for this. I’ve got a couple more chapters translated and once Gintama and Jojolion and Neko get done over the course of the next week and a half, I should have plenty of time to focus on this. The whole series is only 22 chapters long so we SHOULD be able to catch up once I’ve got all that other stuff out of the way.

Anyhow, this chapter’s a good one, I hope you all check it out. Share this series with others if you like it.
I also made a single zip for all of volume 1.

Ikoku Nikki 5
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Ikoku Nikki Volume 1
Online Reader (MangaDex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 159

Image Source: MiN

You thought it was the climax of the arc but it was me, a tired redrawer. Me complaining aside, we recently acquired a way to get the raws on the same day the physical magazine come out so there won’t be a 2-week delay between when the chapter is out in Japan and when we can get them anymore. The next chapter will be out on June 28th, so see you then!

3-Gatsu no Lion 159
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Gintama 703

Image Source: 一ノ瀬 霊

Ok. So. This chapter is 44 pages long. The last chapter is coming out June 17th in Japan (3 weeks from now).
That chapter is supposed to be the last chapter, and I think it really will be this time. The last volume, volume 77, should come out in the summer sometime and we’ll do HQ versions of all these last chapters once that comes out. We’ll be working on doing our HQ version of V35 and getting that out sometime in the near future too.

This chapter’s a really great one, and I think it shows why this kind of ending was needed and was more appropriate than ending on the big war arc. I hope you all enjoy it.

Edit: Fixed a couple typos.

Gintama 703
Online Reader (MangaDex)

JoJolion Volume 19

Image Source: 爺や

Check out The Book! It’s a really great novel we released recently that’s a sequel to Part 4 of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure!

Ok, this is all done!
I’m exhausted and gonna go relax. We’re already working on the next one which came out a month or so ago.
Also we’re going with “Woo” based on the extra page in volume 20 that said “Doctor Woo”.

JoJolion Volume 19 (Ch75-78)
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Ikoku Nikki Ch. 4

Whew, and here’s chapter 4.

Sorry these are taking a while to come out. Huldra’s been busy with a lot of stuff going on in her life. I’m trying to get later chapters translated as time permits between Innocent, Gintama, 3-Gatsu no Lion, JoJolion, and Neko ga Nishi Mukya. Anyhow we hope to have more done soon. The next chapter finishes off volume 1. Also volume 4 just came out in Japan. And the series has 21 chapters total right now, if you’re wondering.

Oh by the way, there was a cover color page that was meant to be in chapter 3 that we forgot about. I put it in the end of this chapter. When we release this as a single-volume download later I’ll put it in the beginning of chapter 3 like it was meant to.

Ikoku Nikki 4
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Gintama 702

Image Source: 北ヶ丘アド

Okay, SO. This chapter is 29 pages long. The news thingies in the app said that there will be “over 100 pages distributed in the app” so that makes me think there’s gonna be around 4-5 chapters total. Probably. I do really like this denouement arc and the closure it’s giving this part of the story. It feels much more personal than a big war.

Next chapter comes out 2 weeks after this one, on the 27th in Japan. So we’ll see you around then.

Gintama 702
Online Reader (MangaDex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 158

Image Source: Luo.

Ok, so this one’s done. Next chapter of 3-Gatsu is in the issue of Young Animal that comes out on May 24th. So see you then.

Otherwise, if you haven’t heard, the next chapter of Gintama comes out on Monday the 13th in Japan. So I’m gonna be working on that pretty soon. It’s just the first chapter of what seems to be… more than one. Probably gonna come out monthly. I’m working on getting more chapters of Ikoku Nikki translated but Huldra is still tied up in a lot of real life stuff that makes getting the chapters cleaned and typeset difficult. And Innocent Rouge V10 comes out on the 17th so I’m translating that in advance using the magazine chapters right now. After that I’m gonna go back to volume 35 of Gintama, so, a lot going on.

3-Gatsu no Lion 158
Online Reader (Mangadex)