Ikoku Nikki Ch. 2

Ok, here’s chapter 2!

I’ve had a lot of IRL stuff going on and I’m trying to get Gintama volume 34 done which is a huge project. But basically we’ll be getting more of this series done as we have time and we’ll try to get them out regularly. Honestly I need to sort of balance scanlating with the rest of my life better than I have been for a while now that we finished all those other projects/series we’ve done recently (Course Gintama still isn’t done). Volume 4 is coming out in Japan next month. We still dunno when the next Gintama chapter is coming out but apparently they’re gonna announce it in the app at some point “soon”. We’re working on finishing up Jojolion V19. And the next 3-Gatsu chapter should be done soon. We’re also gonna try to scanlate the volume version of Neko ga Nishi Mukya at some point in the near future.

This chapter starts to lay more of the plot out and give you more of an idea of what this series is like. I really like it and I hope you all enjoy.

Ikoku Nikki 2
Online Reader (MangaDex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 156

Image Source: Yüm

Looks like the story will take a short break from the exciting development that has been happening in previous chapters to focus on a supporting character. This chapter was quite unpleasant to redraw, this was basically me the whole time I was redrawing it. I don’t want anyone else to have to redraw this chapter so contact me if you want the PSDs. And from what I have heard from Kewl, it wasn’t particularly an easy translation either.

The raws for the next chapter should come out around the beginning of next month. While this series runs in a biweekly magazine, not every issue have a chapter. Until then, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

3-Gatsu no Lion 156
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Ikoku Nikki Ch. 1

Hey, so here’s the new series we’re doing next, Ikoku Nikki. The title means “Different Country Diary” and the name is based on a book about diplomacy from the Edo period. Though this uses a different kanji for the word “different” for some reason (Explicitly not the usual one meaning ‘Foreign Country’). The official English title found on the cover and title pages is “Journal with witch” but, well besides the grammatical error that’s not what the Japanese title means.

Anyhow, this series is a josei manga running in Feel Young magazine. It’s received a lot of praise recently, and it was nominated for the 2019 Manga Taisho award and the Kono Manga ga Sugoi! 2019 award. It’s by Yamashita Tomoko who’s written… like a whole ton of other manga. I think the most well known is this one BUTTER!!!! and maybe this one Don’t Cry, Girl (Though I haven’t read either of those). Regardless, I’ve been reading this manga and I really like it so far. It’s about a 15 year old girl whose parents have died and her life living with this 35 year old woman author and kind of what it’s like with those two different worlds colliding. It’s in the same vein of manga as 3-Gatsu no Lion, IMO. Anyhow, it’s ongoing monthly manga and right now there are 3 volumes published and the newest chapter is chapter 18 I believe. We don’t have a set schedule for this, and we have various other projects going on, but we’re hoping to get more out soon. Hope you enjoy, everyone!

Ikoku Nikki 1
Online Reader (MangaDex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 155

Image Source: Sedeto

Like Kewl has said in the post for the previous chapter, I’m the volunteer who will be helping with scanlating 3-gatsu chapter. Nice to meet you all.

I saw some confusion last time so I’ll repeat it to clarify it. We’ll do regular releases instead of a yearly one, as long as I’m available to do so that is. If I’m unable to help out then Kewl will go back to a yearly release.

And with this chapter, we have caught up to the raws. The next one should come out on the 1st of March and we’ll work to release them soon-ish.

3-Gatsu no Lion 155
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Neko ga Nishi Mukya Ch.7

If you didn’t see the introduction I wrote up for this project, check it out here.
Ok, here we are with this! I’m exhausted because I’m moving apartments and this is the last thing I’m doing before packing up my PC. So here ya go.
Volume 1 is now out and they romanize the title as “If a cat faces west,” so we’ll change it from “the” to “a”, otherwise it’s the same. We’ll see if we can scanlate the volume at some point in the near future, too. But we’ll see. I’m hoping once I’m all moved I can get into some new stuff.

Neko ga Nishi Mukya 7
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Sensei no Shiroi Uso Ch. 49

Ok, and with that, this series is done.
I hope you all enjoyed it. This was a pretty difficult series to do, despite not being all that densely worded. All the abstract sentences where it delved a bit into the characters’ subconscious were really difficult to be sure I was understanding everything quite right, since it was sort of indirect. A translator has to kind of have a very firm grip on what’s being expressed so they can get all the subtleties right in their target language. I think I did ok though.

So, this brings the series to an end. I hope you all enjoyed how it ends. I’m sure some people will want it to have ended differently. I’ll just say what my view on it was, which was that this is a story about a character who has all power taken from her, and over the course of the series is able to recover from it and take that power back. Whereas the character that took that power from her ends up on the opposite track, losing power as the story goes on. That, in addition to exploring a lot of very difficult subject matter and perspectives that I feel are hard to understand for some, at least for me these aren’t things I’ve seen depicted all that much in media in my own life, is what I think made this manga something special. I hope everyone who read it got a lot out of it. If there’s anyone out there that was holding out till the story was done before starting, I hope you check it out now.

I’ve got a plan for another series we’ll be starting soon. First we have the last chapter of Gintama and the next chapter of Neko ga Nishi Mukya in the next couple of days though. And I have some IRL stuff going on I need to get finished first, but we should have something new fairly soon.

Sensei no Shiroi Uso Chapter 49
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Sensei no Shiroi Uso Volume 8
Online Reader (MangaDex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 154

Image Source: chinchongcha

Hey, so we have someone who volunteered to do all those various tasks I said we’d need someone to volunteer to do in order for me to have time to do this series chapter-by-chapter using Young Animal magazine raws. Say thanks to Dascalon, everybody. Thanks to them we’re gonna try to do this. They’re getting raws, cleaning, redrawing, typesetting, and helping release them too. We decided on using the digital raws though (Digital Young Animal comes out 2 weeks after the physical one) to save time and effort. And if for some reason they can’t do it anymore we’ll just go back to the volumes later. We’ll try to get a volume version of these done too once that’s out.

Also just so you know, in volume 14 they combined chapter 152 and 153 into one chapter. So while this is 154 in the magazine, it’s 153 based on the volumes. Making things very confusing. Hopefully Umino-sensei fixes the chapter numbers later on so we don’t have this discrepancy.

Anyhow, we’ll try to do more soon. I’ve got a bunch of IRL stuff going on I’m balancing this with. Check it out, hope you enjoy.

3-Gatsu no Lion 154
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Online Reader (Mangadex)