Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Volume 1

Image Source: KENNY

Sooooo here’s this.
This has been on the backburner as a project we’ve wanted to do for a loooong while (Like a couple years now I think). But I haven’t had time to work on it until around October of last year. So yeah, this is Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan/Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai/Kishibe Rohan Does Not Move volume 1 (Called such because originally Rohan was just telling the framing story, rather than being in the story itself, but he’s kind of in the story most of the time anyhow). If you don’t know, it’s a sort of spinoff of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure that Araki-sensei publishes one chapter of every once in a while, sort of whenever he wants, and each chapter is a self-contained story. They’re also all given “episode numbers” but they’re released out of order. This contains the first several one-shots orienting around Rohan that were compiled in volume form in 2013. Originally they came out in various magazines over a number of years, the first of which came out in 1997 when Part 5 was still running.
These have all been translated before in some form, but we did our best to make these the definitive highest quality version of all of them. We tracked down all the color pages and such in the best quality we could find.
We might do more of this at some point (There’s a volume 2 out as of last year), but mainly we were just trying to get this one thing done and call it a day. We’ll see how things go. The group Jojo’s Colored Adventure is doing the new ones that come out in magazines and I encourage you all to check those out once you’ve read these.

Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Volume 1
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Gintama Volume 76

Image Source: あかこ

Ok, and here we have volume 76, the high-quality version of chapters 686-695. That covers NEARLY all the chapters released so far, all except the ones only in the final volume.
So here’s where Gintama is at as a project. The last chapter should PROBABLY be in the next issue of Jump GIGA which comes out on February 22nd.
Volume 77 should be the last volume and will come out in spring of this year. We’ll try to do that soon after it comes out.
And I’m going to try and do volume 34 and 35 at some point, but as a side project I work on when I have time (Those chapters take a loooong time to do and there’s a lot).

Gintama Volume 76 (Ch686-695)
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Sensei no Shiroi Uso Ch. 46

I wrote an introduction for the series here.

Er, NOW there’s only 3 left. There’s 49 chapters in total.
We’ve got a lot going on at the moment and getting one of these done every week has been/continues to be difficult, but we’re gonna try to push through for the final stretch.

Again, this story has themes of infidelity, rape, suicide, gender inequality, blackmail, and murder. So be aware before reading.

Sensei no Shiroi Uso Chapter 46
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Gintama 700

Image Source: りのこ

Ok, here’s the next one. Another super-long 53 page chapter.
Next month is the last one possibly. Sources say. Certainly looks that way. Maybe. Who knows. Anything can happen.

Our HQ scanlation of V76 is moving along and we’re hoping to finish that up soon as well. Right now I’m sick and getting work done is hard, but we’re getting there.

Gintama 700
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Sensei no Shiroi Uso Ch. 45

I wrote an introduction for the series here.

Ok, I’m back home now. Here we are with the next chapter.
This story is heading for its end now, there’s only 3 chapters left. I hope that you guys are enjoying it and are picking up on what the story is about and the journeys the characters have gone through and how they’ve changed in the whole thing, because I think that’s what makes this story feel meaningful. That’s just my thoughts anyhow.

Again, this story has themes of infidelity, rape, suicide, gender inequality, blackmail, and murder. So be aware before reading.

Sensei no Shiroi Uso Chapter 45
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Sensei no Shiroi Uso Ch. 44

I wrote an introduction for the series here.

And so, we have finally make it to the final volume, volume 8.
This one’s packed with Natsume Souseki references, for which being a Japanese literature nerd really paid off.

I should mention there was a line a couple chapters back where I wrote “Sensei isn’t you” and that’s apparently a colloquial phrase I wasn’t aware of that should’ve been more like “Sensei isn’t the one for you.” So I’m going to edit and reupload those.

Again, this story has themes of infidelity, rape, suicide, gender inequality, blackmail, and murder. So be aware before reading.

Sensei no Shiroi Uso Chapter 44
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3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) Volume 14

Image Source: sunday-offline

Ok, ok, oook, I think I finally did it.
Here we are, 3-Gatsu no Lion volume 14.
I’m real exhausted. I translated this all in advance in the weeks leading up to the volume coming out (on 22nd of December). Then spent most of my free time after that getting it cleaned, redrawn, and typeset. Thanks a ton for Huldra and Lyndis helping out on one of the cleaning and typesetting respectively.

Oh and check out these commercials of animated scenes from this volume that Shaft did to advertise the volume!

So, if you just wanna go read the series, go check it out. There’s one thing unrelated that I wanted to address that I’m going to mention here. If anyone’s wondering, the reason we don’t try to do these with issue chapters is a few things. They should be fairly obvious but I’ll post them here in case anyone isn’t sure.
1. I don’t have time. I’m doing this all mainly by myself and it’s a huge amount of work. Doing that would be even more work and time and it would be another thing I’d need to focus on all year, rather than just once at the end of the year.
2. There are issues with getting the raw magazine chapters. The physical magazine comes out before the digital magazine by 2 weeks. So if we wanted to do it AS SOON as it was available in Japan it would be very time consuming as we’d need to go physically buy the issues of Young Animal and scan them. And the physical magazine’s print quality is worse than the digital versions. Also the series also doesn’t run in every issue, and it’s sort of random which issues it does run in. You’d need to check the official website’s preview for the next issue every issue to know if it had 3-Gatsu in it so you know whether to get it or not.
3. The volumes are the highest quality version by a long shot. Besides the much better resolution from scanning the physical volume, Umino-sensei makes a number of edits on every chapter, so there’s textual differences (Both character lines and artwork gets changed). Plus the extras added in between chapters and at the beginning and the end. You could consider the volumes the “finalized, archival” versions. We’d rather work on the best version possible. Also trying to do both volumes AND the magazine versions would be exceedingly more time consuming, as you’d need to clean and redraw everything twice on top of getting both raws. Plus you’d need to transfer over all the old typesetting and add in any and all differences.

That said if someone wants to do all that, take responsibility for getting the magazine raws and cleaning and typesetting them when they come out, I could do those as well, but otherwise I won’t have time. And I really don’t expect anyone to do that at this point.

3-Gatsu no Lion Volume 14 (Ch140-152)
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Sensei no Shiroi Uso Ch. 43

I wrote an introduction for the series here.

Ok, and with this, volume 7 is done! There’s only 1 volume left!
I’m very tired from doing all this stuff these last few weeks but I’m almost done now. 3-Gatsu no Lion is almost finished. I got someone to help out with typesetting so it’s sped things up a bit, though I’m still mostly translating, redrawing, and typesetting by myself. Almost there…

And now Sensei, too, is getting close to the finish line.

Again, this story has themes of infidelity, rape, suicide, gender inequality, blackmail, and murder. So be aware before reading.

Sensei no Shiroi Uso Chapter 43
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Sensei no Shiroi Uso Volume 7
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