JoJolion Volume 18

Image Source: iShiratori

Check out The Book! It’s a really great novel we released recently that’s a sequel to Part 4 of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure!

Ok, we got volume 18 all done! This one is mainly the first half of the Poor Tom fight. We’re already working on v19 and some other stuff, so hopefully that won’t be out too long from now.

JoJolion Volume 18 (Ch71-74)
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Sensei no Shiroi Uso Ch. 37

I wrote an introduction for the series here.

This chapter’s a big one.

Again, this story has themes of infidelity, rape, suicide, gender inequality, blackmail, and murder. So be aware before reading.

Ok, so with this, volume 6 is all done! There’s just 2 volumes left. 12 chapters in all. Hopefully we get through all of it without any problems.

Sensei no Shiroi Uso Chapter 37
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Sensei no Shiroi Uso Volume 6
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Sensei no Shiroi Uso Ch. 36

I wrote an introduction for the series here.

I get the sense we’re heading to the climax now.

Again, this story has themes of infidelity, rape, suicide, gender inequality, blackmail, and murder. So be aware before reading.

I got all of the chapters in the next Innocent volume translated, which comes out in around 9 days. So hopefully we’ll be able to scanlate it soon after it’s released.

Sensei no Shiroi Uso Chapter 36
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Gintama Volume 75

Image Source: クォンラガ

And here’s volume 75! With that we’re all caught up again on re-scanlating the newest Gintama volumes.
This includes some stuff from Sorachi-sensei regarding the whole “not really the last chapter” thing, as this came out a couple weeks after chapter 698 was published.
Otherwise, it’s like before, it’s a slightly higher quality version of the same chapters.
The next volume, 76, is slated for January. By then new chapters should be coming out. Volume 76 should cover ALMOST all the currently released Jump chapters but not all of them, so we’ll need to wait for V77 for that, which should include some Jump Giga stuff too.

I’m gonna be working on Volume 34-35 at some point soon, but I haven’t started them yet. Next I’m going to be focusing on translating the next Innocent volume and 3-Gatsu no Lion volume so they’re fully or mostly translated by the time their volumes come out. And of course we’ll do the new Gintama chapter in Jump Giga as soon as that comes out, regardless of where those other projects are.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this, everyone!

Gintama Volume 75 (Ch676-685)
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Gintama Volume 33

Image Source: さくらしおり

Ok, whew. This was a ton of work. I’m so glad it’s finally done.
K so for those not aware, originally we had translated Gintama V33-35 (some of 35) back when this group was first starting, but a lot of those chapters never got scanlated because we didn’t have staff to work on it at the time. So that’s why we have like one chapter from V33 released, 2 from V34, and none from V35. There’s a couple others Rufi translated and I edited back when I was editing his scripts and not doing them on my own, that were done by other groups, also. It’d been a long-held goal of mine to EVENTUALLY, when I felt like I wouldn’t be overworking myself, go back and do these 3 volumes. Now that we don’t have weekly Gintama to work on, I thought now would be a good time to do that (I had actually given up on ever doing it for a while, it had been so long. But recently I felt like doing it again, since this is my last chance to get them done before Gintama ends).

Now, that’s easier said than done. I had to redo all the translations from scratch because our translations in those days weren’t very good, as we were just starting out with Gintama and were way less experienced as translators. The reason we waited SO long to do this is because Gintama is a massive amount of work even at the best of times. Even after I’ve been translating Gintama for 8 years since I first did these, they’re still hard as nails to translate because there’s just so much text and so many colloquialisms, comedy, and references in these chapters. It takes more effort to get one of these wordy, comedic chapters of Gintama done than like 2 or more of most other series I work on.

My goal is to eventually do volume 34 and 35 as well, and then we’ll have done everything from volume 33 to the end, whatever volume that ends up being. We also won’t have any “loose” couple chapters not part of a full volume. Doing this one took me about a month from beginning to end. While it’d be really fun to do even MORE than those 3, it would be really nice if the entire series of Gintama had high-quality translations available beyond where Viz stopped (V24), it’s at the point where I don’t think I can really justify the time and effort I would need to spend on trying to do more, so I don’t think that’s gonna happen. I’m not sure how much people are actually going to read these ones I am doing, a lot of this is me just trying to accomplish my own personal goal. Especially when these are pretty old and mainly things people have read already and watched the anime of and such. This one is actually the equivalent of right where the ORIGINAL anime ended at 201 episodes. Remember back then when we all thought the anime might be over for good? Then it came back like 18 times. Looking back on Sorachi-sensei’s messages about what would happen to the manga with the anime “being over now” is kind of quaint in retrospect.

So yeah, this covers the Weather/Onmyouji arc (Except the first chapter which is the last chapter of V32) and the first 2 chapters of the Santa Arc. I hope at least some of you check this out, because we did our best with it and it was seriously a massive task that took a lot of hours nearly every day to get it done in this timeframe.

Volume 75’s scanlation with the volume raws is almost done, that should be pretty soon, now I have time to help with it myself. Next I’m going to be translating Innocent and 3-Gatsu no Lion so most or all of the translations are done by the time the volumes come out. Innocent Rouge V9 comes out November 19th and 3-Gatsu no Lion V14 comes out December 21st. So I should have enough time to translate them both in advance, while still maintaining my sanity and not overworking myself (Remember, this stuff is a hobby). But that means it’ll be a bit before we get V34 done, which I haven’t really started on. The Jump Giga with the next NEW Gintama chapter should come out in December sometime, probably near the end. The next new VOLUME of Gintama is V76 which is scheduled for January, probably early January.

Hope you enjoy this, everyone.

Gintama Volume 33 (Ch283-291)
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