Sensei no Shiroi Uso Ch.18

I wrote an introduction for the series here.

Ok, and volume 3 is all done! We’re almost at the half-way point now. Next week or so we’ll be starting volume 4 of 8. Enjoy everybody.

Again, this story has themes of infidelity, rape, suicide, gender inequality, blackmail, and murder. So be aware before reading.

Sensei no Shiroi Uso Chapter 18
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Online Reader (MangaDex)

Sensei no Shiroi Uso Volume 3 (Ch.13-18)
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81diver Volume 25

Image Source: 胃駅

And here we have volume 25.
Ok, so in case you didn’t see my last post, I’ve been focusing really hard on getting 81diver done in the last 8 months or so. Everythings translated, scanned, and cleaned, and just needs to be typeset and checked now. I’ll be focusing mostly on that until the series is done, which hopefully shouldn’t take too long. Though I need to balance that with Gintama, Sensei no Shiroi Uso, and JoJolion. It’s gotten really difficult because we ended up having a lot less help than expected, so I’m doing most of it on my own. But most jobs are now done and typesetting for this series isn’t too difficult because there’s not much text. And I really want to get this series done because we’ve been doing it for 6 years now, and if you haven’t heard, there’s been nothing but difficulties getting it done. So I’d really like for this project to be finished and I can finally free up my time to do other non-scanlation things a bit more after spending the last several years getting caught up on projects by doing them with myself and one or two other people.

There’s 10 volumes to go after this one. Starting next volume we’re switching from public raws to volumes I scanned, because the public raws get really bad after volume 25.

81diver Volume 25 ch255-264
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Sensei no Shiroi Uso Ch.17

I wrote an introduction for the series here.

Some interesting plot development in this one. Only one chapter left in this volume!
Working on Innocent and 81diver now. Hoping to get some out soon!

Again, this story has themes of infidelity, rape, suicide, gender inequality, blackmail, and murder. So be aware before reading.

Sensei no Shiroi Uso Chapter 17
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Neko ga Nishi Mukya Ch.3

Okay, and here we are with chapter 3! If you didn’t see the introduction I wrote up for this project, check it out here.
This is a very nice chapter about cats which are nice.
I just finished cleaning all of the remainder of 81diver, and it’s 3AM so I’m really tired.
The next chapter is in the issue of Afternoon coming out August 25th! See you then.

Neko ga Nishi Mukya 3
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Online Reader (MangaDex)