81diver Volume 24

Image Source: 胃駅

And here we are with volume 24.
Sorry there was such a gap between this volume and the last one. BUT I’m pleased to say after working on this series in all my free time for the past several months now, we’re ALMOST done. Everything’s been translated, scanned, and cleaned (Minus the last 100 pages or so I’m gonna try to get done today/tomorrow). All the way to the end of the last volume, 35. It just needs to be typeset. I’d been working my way through the end of the series while the rest of the staff was working on 24-25. But now that I’m about done cleaning I’ll be able to typeset and QC the volumes right in a row and release them in what should be a pretty frequent basis.

It’s been 6 years since I started working on this series and I’d really like to get it finished soon. It’s taken so long because I’ve been balancing this with a lot of other projects, and usually there just hasn’t been staff that consistently works on it. But now it’s nearly finished, and I’ll be really glad when it is, because it’ll free up my schedule a whole lot. At that point all our projects will be caught up with finally (Besides long-term ones we started after the series ended like Sensei or Takeshi).

Meanwhile we’re working on Innocent Rouge V8, more Sensei no Shiroi Uso, and the new Neko ga Nishi Mukya comes out in a couple days. And Gintama every week. So a lot’s going on! I hope you enjoy this one.

81diver Volume 24 ch244-254
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JoJolion 76 & Volume 12

Image Source: ロン

Check out The Book! It’s a really great novel we released recently that’s a sequel to Part 4 of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure!

And we’re back!

Supposedly there’s “big JoJo news coming in the summer” announced on the wraparound of the Rohan spinoff novel-spinoff books. So we’ll see what that turns out to be. There’s an exhibition in August so the news could be announced then, but maybe there’s going to be some news before that? It’s probably a Part 5 anime, the next live-action movie, or a video game of some sort. Or maybe all of them? Maybe they’ll announce it at the director’s panel at AX? I guess we’ll see.

JoJolion 76
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JoJolion Volume 12 (Ch47-50)
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Gintama 686

Image Source: こばじ

I’m sure doing things.

I’ve been mostly using all my free time to try to get 81diver finished. I’ve been working on the later volumes while the rest of the staff is working on the next couple to be released. But they’ve been unable to do much for various reasons. So now everything’s pretty much all scanned, translated, and cleaned, but barely any is typeset. So I’m gonna shift to doing that soon and we should start getting them released.

Gintama 686
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Sensei no Shiroi Uso Ch.14

I wrote up an introduction of the series here.

Ok, here’s chapter 14. Some interesting plot development in this one. Again.

I’m using basically all my free time to get 81diver done at this point… I’m hoping we get that finished soon. Doing that plus this, Gintama, Innocent, Jojolion, and Neko ga Nishi Mukya is tough.

Again, this story has themes of infidelity, rape, suicide, gender inequality, blackmail, and murder. So be aware before reading.

Sensei no Shiroi Uso Chapter 14
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