Whew. Ok, and now at last, here’s this. 3-Gatsu no Lion volume 17. For those keeping track, this is the first volume since we released the last one in October 2021. As time has gone on these volumes have been spaced out father and farther. I figure that’s due to Umino-sensei getting older but also because of how much time she’s spending polishing the story. This volume has a good number of little changes from the magazine versions, including being much better resolution. (We made this one a bit higher resolution than volume 16 in exchange for it taking up a bit more space).
Like last time, Umino-sensei has combined some chapters together, likely so they don’t end so abruptly. Also the chapter numbers have shifted back a bit so the volume numbers don’t skip any numbers (Though there’s still no volume chapter 153).
Magazine chapter 184 is now volume chapter 194 (Shifted to the end of the volume.)
Magazine 185 and 186 are volume 180.
Magazine 187 is volume 181.
Magazine 188 is volume 182
Magazine 189 is volume 183.
Magazine 190 and 191 are volume 184.
Magazine 192 is volume 185.
Magazine 193 is volume 186.
Magazine 194 is volume 187.
Magazine 195 and 196 are volume 188.
Magazine 197 is volume 189.
Magazine 198 is volume 190.
Magazine 199 is volume 191.
Magazine 200 is volume 192.
Magazine 201 is volume 193.
So now as a result volume 18 will probably start with chapter 194. But as of now we’re just gonna leave the magazine releases as-is and we’ll replace them once the volume comes out. This is all in addition to a lot of little changes to some lines and some art. Nothing quite so intense as last volume where entire panels and pages were added, though in the last arc of the volume focusing around Shimada some art was heavily altered/replaced. Also we left in the color pages from the magazine and like the last volumes we stuck back in the splash pages that started a couple chapters that were removed because the chapters were combined. And as usual it has a bunch of essays about shogi from Senzaki Manabu 9-dan and a bunch of extras between chapters and at the end.
At the end of the extra pages at the end, Umino-sensei says that 3-Gatsu no Lion is “in the final stretch”. So possibly it may be done relatively soon. But given how slow this series comes out it may still be a couple years at least. As of now, we don’t know when the next chapter will come out as it’s not listed in the “next issue” page on the Young Animal website. So we’re just waiting till the next one.
In the meantime, I’ve spent the last like… several months doing volume versions of stuff and I ended up having to do the vast majority of them myself in addition to scanning and transferring text and finding changes and such. So I’m really glad this is finally done and I can take a bit of a break. But also I can finally get back to volume 3 of Division Chief Shima Kōsaku which I keep getting pulled away from. There’s no Jojo next month, Ikoku Nikki is done, and there’s no more 3-Gatsu for a bit at least, so I hope I’ll be able to get more of that done soon.
Also, we have a Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF
3-Gatsu no Lion Volume 17 (Ch180-194)
Online Reader (Mangadex)