Hey everyone, here’s more Shima! Man I really am doing this a lot aren’t I? Ok well this is volume 14. With this volume we continue with the next part of the endgame of the series, the buyout of Cosmos. It’s the big negotiating deals-y volume (Though that story continues into volume 15). After this we only have 3 volumes left in Section Chief, which feels crazy that we’re that close after this seeming like such a huge hill to climb for so long.
This next month there’s gonna be a lot going on and I’m gonna be busy during some of it in which I won’t be able to translate manga so I dunno when volume 15 will end up getting done. I’ll probably spend way more time on this than is healthy just like I usually do, though. There’s the first chapter of The JOJOLands coming out next month on February 27th Japan time which is sort of a big deal as Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is a big series going since the 80’s separated into multiple parts kind of like Shima Kōsaku, but unlike Shima Kōsaku all of it’s been translated. Jojo has 131 volumes which have all been translated (With 132 about to start) and Shima has 106 volumes if you count the 21 prequel volumes and so far we’ve only finished 14 (And I think another group did like 2 volumes of one of the prequels like 8 years ago?) so we’ve still got a long road ahead. Also I don’t think I’m gonna do all of that probably (Definitely not doing the prequels). But I’m quite sure we’ll finish Part 1 of Shima Kōsaku at this point and then we’ll at least start on Part 2 and see how that goes. Also it’s very possible Araki-sensei keeps doing Jojo for more than a decade longer so that could also be a huge thing I’ve cursed myself to have to work on for a long, long time. But it should be very exciting! I hope you’re all looking forward to that. Also there’s a new Ikoku Nikki in a couple weeks.
Everyone go read Shima it’s great. Tell all your friends who are adults to go read this series. I have no marketing skills or a marketing department so I can’t think of anything catchier than that, meaning it’s basically all up to you.
Edit: Oh I should also mention I added a Ko-fi link in the right sidebar if you’d like to donate that way. The Paypal link is still there and it basically does the same thing, it’s still ultimately just sending money through paypal, but it’s a different sorta UI.
Check out my summary here of what this series is about if you haven’t seen it yet.
Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF
Section Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 14 (Ch132-142)
Online Reader (Mangadex)