Section Chief Shima Kōsaku Volume 12

Section Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 12

Woo! Ok we’re back again with volume 12. This is a big one. A bunch of some of the most impactful events of the series happen in this one, so I hope you enjoy it. This one gets a lot more into the nature of the economics of Japan and the Philippines back in 1990-1991 and the perspectives people had at the time. And some characters that we’ll keep seeing for a long time are introduced in this volume as well. And much like the last one it can get pretty dark at times. We’re now well into the latter half of Section Chief now and we’re going to start heading towards the endgame (of part 1) from here. And then we’ll probably start on part 2, I guess.

There’s a good chance this is the last volume of Shima we end up releasing for 2022 unless I go really fast on volume 13 which I’m probably not gonna spend my whole holidays working on. So in case we don’t, I hope you all enjoyed all the Shima we’ve brought to you this year, along with all the other manga we’ve released this year which has been quite a lot. Have a safe, happy holidays, ya’ll.

Check out my summary here of what this series is about if you haven’t seen it yet.

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

Section Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 12 (Ch110-120)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Ikoku Nikki Ch. 50

Whew. Well folks, finally, at chapter 50, after about 5 years of serialization, we have finally come full circle and the timeline has reached the events of chapter 1. Something I’m sure plenty of us forgot about completely that chapter 1 takes place when Asa is in her third year of high school. But man we’ve come a long way, haven’t we, with this series?

Anyhow, there seems to be no chapter next month, but volume 10 is coming out in February 2023. So there’ll probably be a chapter the following month. At the moment I’m in the middle of translating Shima volume 12, so look forward to all that, ya’ll. Happy holidays.

Also check out the new one-off series of short stories we just finished, Gishi Sanjinden! It’s awesome and took forever to finish.

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

Ikoku Nikki 50
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Section Chief Shima Kōsaku Volume 11

Section Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 11

Hey everybody, we’re back with volume 11. This volume took a bit longer than the last couple because we did uh… Three 3-Gatsu no Lion chapters, an Ikoku Nikki chapter, and a whole volume of DRCL in between. Which really took a lot out of me to be honest, that DRCL volume. Compared to that, translating this volume where we there’s long sections about consulting companies and foreign aid and inter-company deal making around building factories was downright easy. Anyhow I’m glad to be back on doing this series and I’m thankful to all those that helped out. A lot of these projects are mainly just me doing all or most of the jobs so it can be a bit exhausting. Like I mentioned in some of the other posts here about Shima, I dunno how long a lot of these volumes will end up taking me since there’s no limit to how fast we could potentially do these since the series is already out in Japanese. I basically need to find my own personal equilibrium where I’m making progress on this but not going so overboard that I get burnt out or I’m neglecting some other part of my life. It can be tricky at times.

I should give a warning that this story does get a bit dark at times and one of the darker events happens in this volume, so be warned. This volume also takes place entirely in the Philippines, and has a lot more story talking about what it was like there in the early 90’s and Japan’s relationship with them. Anyhow, enjoy, everyone! Tell other folks about this series if you like it, I think it’s really something unique and unlike anything else I’ve ever read. I hope we can grow the English-speaking fandom somewhat.

Check out my summary here of what this series is about if you haven’t seen it yet.

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

Section Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 11 (Ch99-109)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 197

Image Source: 壱

Ooookay, here we are at this month’s 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter! We’re now back to the Kiriyama/Nikaidou/Shimada story. I hope you all enjoy! See you next month for the next one, probably.

We’re pretty far along with Shima Kōsaku v11 and we’re trying to get that done soonish. Though we had so many things in a row with working on that and DRCL I’m trying not to over-extend myself working on this stuff in all my free time.

If you didn’t see before we released our finished version of volume 16 with all the various changes and extras and updates here.

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

3-Gatsu no Lion 197
Online Reader (Mangadex)

#DRCL midnight children Volume 2

Ok, so here is DRCL volume 2! This one was also a huge slog! I spent several hours a day on this almost every day for 3 weeks to get this finished! I had some help which I really appreciate but I ended up needing to do the majority of it myself and this was a huge, massively time consuming task. Thanks to PronouncedSmith for doing a bunch of redrawing of the last two chapters, Luigi for doing most of the typesetting, and them plus Su Shi and Ai for helping check and edit (Which was itself a huge task). I’m really hoping I can get more help by the time the next volume comes out or I may not be able to continue this project. Even after speeding up a lot after figuring out a good workflow from doing volume 1, this still took forever mainly due to all the redrawing, double-page spread joining, and getting the whites white and blacks black and all that to make it look good.

As last time, this is scanned at 1200dpi of the physical raw and manually has all the redraws and page joins and everything done. That’s on top of translating and typesetting and all that. So we have an uncompressed version that’s really huge (5.2GB) and the more compressed version which is still pretty big which is what goes on Mangadex due to filesize limitations there which is more like 500MB.

Uncompressed Volume 2

The next volume comes out in Spring 2023! I’ll see what the heck is going on in my life at that point. I just really can’t dedicate nearly a month of my time doing every job on each of these.

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

#DRCL midnight children Volume 2 (Ch. 8-14)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Ikoku Nikki Ch. 49

Oookay here we are with this month’s Ikoku Nikki! It’s a good one, hope you enjoy. Feels like it’s continuing its examination of the major themes of the story that have been building up for a while. There should be a regular chapter next issue where Ikoku Nikki has the opening color pages.

DRCL volume 2 is finally almost done. I’ve basically just been working on that every day for the past 3 weeks or so. And I’ve translated some of Shima volume 11 but mostly I’ve been prioritizing DRCL so that’s probably not gonna be done for a little while. 3-Gatsu no Lion isn’t in the upcoming Young Animal issue so the next chapter of that is probably in the following issue. I’m gonna feel good once DRCL is done because that’s just been a huge headache and every step has been a slog. Ok, well, enjoy this chapter, folks!

Also check out the new one-off series of short stories we just finished, Gishi Sanjinden! It’s awesome and took forever to finish.

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

Ikoku Nikki 49
Online Reader (Mangadex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 196

Image Source: Shiro021

Okay! Here’s the next one! This is the first time 3-Gatsu has been in two issues in a row in a while.
I’m working on DRCL volume 2 right now which is turning into a massive headache and just destroying any free time I thought I might be getting in the second half of October. So anyhow I’m gonna go back to that now.
The next 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter will be… either next issue of Young Animal or the one after. So either November 11th or 25th. We’ll see!!

Edit: The Young Animal site updated and looks like there’s no chapter in next issue. So likely the next 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter will be in the issue that comes out the 25th Japan time. Unless it gets delayed again.

If you didn’t see before we released our finished version of volume 16 with all the various changes and extras and updates here.

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

3-Gatsu no Lion 196
Online Reader (Mangadex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 195

Image Source: 嵐

Woo it’s been a while huh? 3-Gatsu was on hiatus because Umino-sensei was sick last month. But here’s a new chapter for you all. It’s more of Akari’s big adventure! Lots of fun as usual. There’s no new chapter next issue of Young Animal but the next chapter will PROBABLY be in the following issue coming out around the 10th of November, unless something else changes.

Edit: Apparently the next chapter is in next issue coming out on October 28th Japan time. It took them a while to update their website and it wasn’t mentioned in the digital magazine.

If you didn’t see before we released our finished version of volume 16 with all the various changes and extras and updates here.

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

3-Gatsu no Lion 195
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Section Chief Shima Kōsaku Volume 10

Section Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 10

Whew, we finally make it to the double digits. Here is Shima volume 10, everyone. After now over a year of work we’re at volume 10 of the 17 volumes of this part. Really I’m quite proud of this, it’s been tons and ton of work translating this and getting the project constantly moving. When you’re doing a big project like this where it can potentially take years and years if you don’t keep up a decent pace it can be hard to be motivated. It’s such a long journey to try to do a series this long and you need to work on it pretty regularly if you want to get it each release finished and in a releasable state at a quality level you’re proud of. And we got this done on top of Gishi Sanjinden and Ikoku Nikki this month which was a huge challenge (Go check those out if you haven’t yet, they’re great). For this I had to basically finish one task and immediately start on another for the past several weeks. It’s been exhausting.

But all that considered, we’ve finally made it to the Philippines. The Philippines arc in Section Chief goes for a pretty long time and it’s an interesting look at a totally different country with a different culture and different economic standards. This arc goes for a while and a lot happens, so I hope you all enjoy it. I feel like I keep saying “A lot happens” in every one of these posts but I guess when you release a whole volume at once that’s always the case. And generally I want people to get an idea of the story from reading it rather than me summarizing things and spoiling them too much in these posts.

And we’re now far past the mid-way point of Section Chief Shima Kōsaku, though we’re like… about an 8th of the way through the series as a whole or something. Like I said I’m not making any concrete plans about doing the whole series because that would take thousands of hours and several years but at least reaching the end of “Section Chief” is getting closer and closer and that feels pretty good after so much work, as that’s the story I really wanted to focus on getting out there. Though so long as I pace myself and don’t get burned out I’ll be okay with doing more past that point.

There’s a new 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter coming out later this week for the first time in a while, so won’t be long until then. Look forward to that. Anyhow, enjoy everyone!

Check out my summary here of what this series is about if you haven’t seen it yet.

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

Section Chief Shima Kо̄saku Volume 10 (Ch87-98)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Ikoku Nikki Ch. 48

Whew! Here’s the first full new chapter in a while of this series. There was no new chapter in the last two months and before that it was a mini “small talk” chapter.
This one’s pretty good! Feels like we never left. There’s a regular chapter next issue as well. See you then!

At the moment we’re working on getting Shima volume 10 done, which is almost there. Might get finished in the next few days depending. And there should be a new 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter coming out next week.

Also check out the new one-off series of short stories we just finished, Gishi Sanjinden! It’s awesome and took forever to finish.

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

Ikoku Nikki 48
Online Reader (Mangadex)