Innocent Rouge Volume 9

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Ok, we finally got this all done.
Here it is, the execution that everything’s been leading up to in this series for quite some time.
Also now Innocent Rouge is officially longer than the original Innocent! The original Innocent series had 9 volumes and this is the 9th volume of Rouge, and the series is still going.

There’s a bunch of other stuff this week with Neko ga Nishi Mukya and the new Gintama chapter, plus we’re working on the new 3-Gatsu no Lion volume that just came out. It’s all translated but we still need to do all the redrawing and typesetting. So there’s a lot going on and it’s eating up allllll my time. But once it’s done I can finally sleep. Hope you’re all looking forward to it!

Innocent Rouge Volume 9 (Chapters 58-64)
Direct Download
Online Reader (Mangadex)