Ikoku Nikki Volume 9

And here we are with volume 9. Like last time, this is the volume versions of all these chapters we original did using magazine raws. They’re slightly upgraded/corrected with some added screentones and stuff but generally speaking they’re pretty similar to the magazine versions. This series isn’t that much work to do these for because the digital raws are generally good quality so the more annoying stuff from physical scanning and manual cleaning isn’t needed. And also there’s just not many changes. The biggest change is the cover, inside cover, and extra page at the end. The volume versions of this series are much easier to do than all the other series we do two versions for. The next chapter is scheduled for next month at the usual time on the 7th Japan time. I’m gonna get back to working on Shima Kosaku v5 now. See ya later!

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/fxrmZufp

Ikoku Nikki Volume 9 (Ch. 41-45)
Online Reader (Mangadex)