Ikoku Nikki Volume 11 (End)

Well folks, here it is. With this, we have completed Ikoku Nikki in its entirety. All 11 volumes. This volume contains the last four chapters and they’re pretty much exactly the same as the magazine versions. There’s a few screentones added and text got slightly bigger in one or two places but besides that they’re the same, so this wasn’t really a big effort to scanlate. The biggest differences are the cover and a couple nice bonus drawings right at the end.

We’ve worked on this series for about 3 4 years and it’s been a delight the whole time. It’s been a VERY difficult series to translate to make sure we understood everything properly and convey all the complicated speech patterns and character quirks in English. I really appreciate Yamashita-sensei for all her hard work bringing us this series. All the emotional complexity and all the complicated relationships between the characters alive and dead felt so authentic. If anyone was holding out till the end to read through the whole series, you’re in for a ride.

We’ll see what she does next and I’ll maybe think about working on it depending on what it is and what else is going on in my life at the time. Enjoy, everyone!

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga. https://discord.gg/Nw45rfJYZF

Ikoku Nikki Volume 11 (Ch. 51-54)
Online Reader (Mangadex)